Arson Balloons near Be Sheva Hospital


  Suspicious balloons at Beer Sheva

Suspicious balloons at Beer Sheva

Israeli police spokesman

Israeli police suspect that for the first time, an incendiary balloon sent to Israel by Gaza terrorists landed in Be'er Sheva – more than 40 kilometers (25 miles).

Israeli police sappers arrived on Ringelblum Street of Be'er Sheva following a civilian report stating that a balloon attached to a suspicious object had landed on the street. The sappers closed the street, reopening it after the device was neutralized.

Ringelblum Street is just north of Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva.

In a statement, the Israeli police said: In all cases, these objects should be treated as suspicious objects that are very dangerous. "

" In this case, please call the Israeli police badistance line, 100, and the distance Earlier in the day, incendiary kites and balloons burned a pair of tefillins (phylacteries ) and triggered 14 fires in the border area of ​​Gaza. Firefighters managed to extinguish them almost immediately.

Nearly two weeks ago, Hamas promised to end the terror of kite flying.

In the last three months, terror terror 25,000 dunums (6,177.6 acres) of Israeli land, most of which is farmland, nature reserves and forests.

He also damaged houses, and arson objects landed near Israeli kindergartens.

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