Arts & Ends: "The City Without Jews" Will Make International Debuts at SF Jewish Film Festival


At the beginning of 2015, after terrorists murdered four people in a kosher supermarket in Paris, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged French Jews to immigrate to Israel, prompting articles on the subject. anti-Semitism and the future of the French. Jewish community. Manuel Valls then French prime minister, declared that "France without Jews is not France".

A Curious Jurist from San Francisco Jerry Garchik thinks of the satirical film of 2004 "A Day Without Mexican", in which all Mexicans suddenly disappear from California and the economy s'. collapses. He learned that the film was based on the 1924 Austrian silent film "The City without Jews", an expressionist satire on anti-Semitism that proved horribly prescient when Europe fell under Nazi rule the next decade.

Intrigued, Garchik, married Leah Garchik chronicler of Chronicle commissioned a reconstructed DVD version of "The City without Jews", thought to be lost before an incomplete and faded copy was shown in Amsterdam in 1991. He also obtained an English translation of the screenplay, based on a successful novel of the same name by Hugo Bettauer who was murdered by a Nazi shortly after the premiere of the film in Vienna

Garchik showed the film and read the headlines aloud. the people of the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival, which presents the international premiere of "The City without Jews" at the Castro Theater on Sunday, July 22nd.

The film, accompanied by music written for the occasion by the cellist Sascha Jacobsen and performed live by his musical art quintet, is not the DVD version. It is a fully restored copy of an integral copy of the brightly colored original film that was found at a Paris flea market in 2015, shortly after Garchik's attracted the artist. the festival's attention on the film

crowdsourced funding that spiked after the election of Donald Trump and the success of anti-immigrant candidates of the far right in the 2017 elections in Austria. Nikolaus Wostry of the Archive plans to be at the screening of Castro.

"The film resonates with the current time," says Garchik. "It's a question of migration and expelled people from countries, and very prophetic about the Holocaust."

Executive Director of the Jewish Film Institute of San Francisco Lexi Leban agrees

"It's very satirical, a strangely prescient film that surprises in the way it has Predicted what would happen, "says Leban, who has worked with the San Francisco Silent Film Festival on the project." It's relevant now because of the rise of anti-Semitism and the fact that it's going to happen. authoritarianism in America and Europe. "

In the film, directed by HK Breslauer Jews are expelled from Utopia – Vienna in the novel – resulting in a cultural life and an economy if diminished as the government urgently receives them.

Ironically, Johannes Riemann the German actor of the stars as the Jewish artist involved with the daughter of an anti-Semitic official, would later join the Nazi party.

For more information, v see

Music for Climate Action

Rockers Bob Weir,
Patti Smith, Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and French Soul Singer Imany are scheduled to be among Masonic artists in San Francisco on September 14 for a concert closing the Global Climate Action Summit in the city

Artist Olafur Elibadon plans to create a solar "sunrise" powered by solar energy, which will benefit Pathway to Paris, and the United Nations Development Program.

Bay Area Reedman Harvey Wainapel plays with two of his favorite Brazilian musicians – flutist, pianist and composer Lea Freire and composer playing piano Amilton Godoy, whose Zimbo Trio was among the first to merge samba, bossa nova and jazz – August 18 at Piedmont Piano Company in Oakland, where Freire and Godoy

They are also registered at Palms in Winters (Yolo County) for August 19, when Wainapel will also play in the Berkeley Choro Ensemble.

For more information, visit,

Illuminated Orbison

Roy Orbison died in 1988, but was relaunched in the show "In Dreams: Roy Orbison in Concert – The Hologram Tour," Opening Oct. 1 in Oakland & # 39 Fox Theater. A three – dimensional projection of the artist, singing his "Pretty Woman" and other clbadics, is scheduled to be beamed in front of a live orchestra.

For more information, visit

Jesse Hamlin is a Bay Area journalist and former editor of the San Francisco Chronicle.

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