Australia reassigns Palestinian aid – Breaking Israel News


Blow a trumpet to Zion; sound an alarm on my holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord cometh; it's close. Joel 2: 1 (The Bible of Israel ™)

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, on an official visit to Israel. (Hillel Maeir / GST)

The Australian Government has suspended contributions to the World Bank Multi-Donor Trust Fund to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority because Canberra is concerned about the use of money from Australian aid to support terrorism. A statement Monday, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said she was "confident" that the Australian funds provided to date have been used "as planned." But she added that the Palestinian Authority authorities refused to provide clear badurance. The Bank through the Palestinian Rehabilitation and Development Program would not be used to help Palestinians convicted of political violence.

"I am afraid that by providing funds for this aspect of the AP's operations, there is an opportunity for him to use his own budget resources for activities that he does." Australia would never support – any help given by the Palestine Liberation Organization to those found guilty of political violence is an affront to Australian values ​​and undermines the prospect of genuine peace between Israel and the Palestinians , says the release.

He added that the $ 10 million annual aid would now be channeled through the United Nations Humanitarian Fund for the Palestinian Territories. 19659004] The announcement came two weeks after Bishop baderted forcefully that Canberra would not follow the example of the United States in moving the Australian embbady to Israel to Jerusalem. But he also followed Australia's vote in May to reject a UN Human Rights Council resolution to investigate clashes between IDF troops and Palestinians at the border with Iraq. Gaza, May 14. Embbady of the United States in Israel in Jerusalem. Dozens of Palestinians were killed in the riots, but Australia rejected the World Organization's investigation on the grounds that it "prejudged" Israel

Also in May, the Australian army has reached an agreement to buy Spike LR2 anti-tank missiles produced by Israel. produced by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems based in Haifa. This agreement comes seven months after Rafael announced its intention to open a subsidiary in Melbourne, as part of a larger project of the Australian Defense Force aimed at significantly improving the technological capabilities of the company. Australian army and navy. and defense links between Canberra and Jerusalem.

The suspension of direct aid also takes place in the light of close ties and strengthening diplomatic relations between Israel and Australia. Bishop and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have both visited Israel in the past two years, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did the same in February 2017, with a visit to Melbourne and Sydney that both parties qualify of "stellar". () {
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