Australian billionaire Chabad supports Ayelet Shaked as Israeli prime minister


Joseph Gutnick, an Australian billionaire and Rabbi Chabad, will support the Minister of Justice to replace Netanyahu when he resigns

By: World Israel News Staff

Australian billionaire and Rabbi Habad Joseph Gutnick will support the Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he resigns, according to a report in The Jerusalem Post .

Gutnick entrusted to Gil Hoffman Post in an exclusive interview that he has established a relationship with Shaked in recent years and has promised to devote his resources to his success.

Gutnick chose Shaked for his right-wing views, his leadership qualities, and his secular Jewish ability to respect religion to unite Israelis. . He also believes that the time has come for Israel to have his second wife prime minister after Golda Meir.

Gutnick secretly advised Shaked to leave the Jewish house and join the Likud. He said that Naftali Bennett, the head of the Jewish house, should stay away and not be selfish.

"He should be encouraging Shaked for the maintenance of the entire land of Israel and the Jewish world." He was questioned Monday on Army radio about the possibility that Shaked would leave the Jewish home For the Likud, Bennett said she's not one to turn on her and be disloyal to her party, he said that he and Shaked should focus on strengthening the Jewish home.

Gutnick said that Shaked would become prime minister only after Netanyahu's resignation. "I am very happy to endorse him as Bibi's heiress," said Gutnick. only when Bibi leaves she will have to run the Likud. I fully endorse him as the next Prime Minister only after the departure of Bibi. "

Gutnick made a fortune after taking the advice of the late Rabbi Lubavitch, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, to extract diamonds in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Gutnick is a strong supporter of Netanyahu. Friday Ma-ariv revealed that if the elections were held now and that Shaked was running the Likud, she would get 33 seats, just like Netanyahu, and would extend the right-wing bloc to 73 seats from its 66 seats

Ayelet ShakedChabadHome Jewish HomeJoseph GutnickLikud

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