Bari: The Pope condemns the indifference of the world to the tragedy of the Middle East


Source: Vatican Media

Pope Francis on Saturday denounced as "murderer" the indifference and complicit silence of the world in the face of the endless tragedy in the Middle East which, he says, "cries" , suffers "and silent as others trample these lands in search of power or wealth.

The pope spoke in the port city of Bari, in the south of the Adriatic, where he organized a day of ecumenical reflection and prayer with the leaders and representatives of 19 Christian Churches and communities in the Middle East to implore for peace and for Christians in the troubled region.

"We came as pilgrims to Bari, this window open to the Middle East, carrying in our hearts our churches, our peoples and all those who live in situations of great suffering, we say to them:" We are close from you. "The Pope said at the prayer meeting on the seafront.

The theme of the one-day papal initiative was" Peace Be Upon You! "

"Peace be! today, a cry that ascends to the throne of God: for them we have no right to say: Am I the guardian of my brother? in the Middle East or elsewhere in the world, "said the Pope.

" Indifference kills and we want to raise our voices in opposition to this deadly indifference. "" We want to give a voice to those who do not. Do not, to those who can only tear their tears as the Middle East today cries, suffers and remains silent while others trample these lands in search of power or riches. "

The Pope noted that this region so full of light has been covered in recent years by" dark clouds of war, violence and destruction, examples of occupation and occupation. fundamentalism, forced migration, and neglect. "The complicit silence of many."

The Holy Father lamented that "the Middle East has become a land of people who leave their own land." Attention, there is the risk that "the presence of our brothers and sisters in the faith disappears, disfiguring the very face of the region," lamented the pope "a Middle East without Christians would not be the Middle East."

Francis flew early in a helicopter to Bari where he greeted the leaders of the Middle East Christian Church outside the Basilica of St. Nicholas and together they descended into the crypt for pray in front of the relics and light a flame lamp for peace

At seafront, Pope Francis said that with the lamp in front of Saint Nicholas, they wanted to "light a flame of hope".

Christians, he says, are the light of the world not only when everything is bright, but in the darkest moments of history, they refuse to resign themselves to the surrounding sadness, feeding "the wick." hope with the oil of prayer and love ". "When we raise our hands to heaven in prayer, and we extend our hands to our brothers and sisters without seeking our own advantage," said the Pope, "the fire of the Spirit, the Spirit of Unity and peace, "

The Holy Father urged everyone to implore God in favor of the" little ones, the simple, the wounded, and all those who stand by God "and to beg: "That there is peace!"

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