Basildon hosts free Second World War exhibition to inspire residents to | News


BASILDON residents have been invited to sign a Book of Commitment, pledging to ’stand up against hatred and discrimination’.

The book has been opened at the Towngate Theatre, which is hosting a free Second World War exhibition this week, as part of national Interfaith Week.

The display, titled A Code of Honour, tells the story of Albanian Muslims who risked their lives to protect their Jewish neighbours from the Nazis.

The free exhibition, by the Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Centre, is on show at the Towngate Theatre until 4pm this Friday, November 16.

Mayor David Dadds said: “It is no coincidence that Interfaith Week launched on Remembrance Sunday, when we came together to commemorate men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom, values and rights.

“We are committed to working together to promote inclusive communities and welcome people across the borough to join us in sending out a clear message in support of diversity and equality.”

Cllr Dadds visited the exhibition on Tuesday, November 13, alongside other guests including teacher and Basildon Hospital chaplain Sidra Naeem.

Cllr Dadds added: “Interfaith week is a chance for us all to come together to celebrate the invaluable contributions that people of all religious beliefs make in this country, and to focus on building positive interfaith relationships.

“It is an opportunity to find out more about the different and distinct faiths which make the United Kingdom what it is today and increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs.

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