Basketball game for young people who fights on a horrible fight with punches thrown between players and referees


Just a week after a ugly fight in the FIBA ​​World Cup qualifiers between the Philippines and Australia, another broke out during an amateur match in a suburb of Atlanta. This one, however, was between players and referees, rather than players on both sides. R.A.W. of Chicago Athletics faced the Houston Raptors Sunday when the fight took place

Doug Jones shared some videos on Twitter of the fight, and they are certainly ugly.

This clip shows the beginning of the fight, with the official being hit on the ground and jumping back to fight. Another clip, however, shows a young official on the ground taking shots from a player before the player is blinded by another official in the stands.

According to The Los Angeles Times the cause of the fight is not clear, but RAW coach Howard Martin defended his players on a tweet that was subsequently deleted.

"An arbitrator actually walked on one of our players and attacked it," wrote Martin, The Times . "Everyone tried to break everything, the father of the referee (who was working on a different pitch) rushed onto our pitch and rushed our guys … everyone in the gym, the other team and the directors have seen everything. "

When the former official arrives on the field, the scrum clears a moment before re-escalating.

"One of my players, he had words with the referee, I think he was complaining about a call or something," Martin said, by WSB-TV. "The player was coming back to the bench and the referee pushed the player and they straightened up."

WSB-TV, reported that Raptors coach Bobby Benjamin saw a player bang an official, but was not clear on what prompted it.

Officials' management issued a statement on the incident, stating: "We are disappointed with the incident that took place. Is being produced this morning at the Association's basketball tournament and we are taking appropriate action with the authorities. "

AAU Basketball, however, is distanced from the event, saying that the tournament was not sanctioned by the AUA

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