Bennett indifferent to the fact that the Arab MP resigns from the Knesset about the Nationality Act


Education Minister Naftali Bennett on Saturday night rejected a statement by Israeli Knesset MP Zouheir Bahloul (Zionist Union / Labor) to resign against the Nationality Act.
with the minister saying "The Israeli Knesset will not cry on it, so it will resign."

Enraged by the law whose critics badert that he is racist, Bahloul announced that his resignation would take effect immediately and that he would not seek a place on his party's list in the upcoming elections. [19659003]

"There is an unjustifiable contempt for the nationality law, which now includes the resignation of Zouheir Bahloul who said that his Palestinian identity was stronger than that of Israel." The Israeli Knesset will not cry So he's going to resign, "said Bennett nonchalantly.

  Minister Naftali Bennett and MP Zouheir Bahloul (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg, AFP)

Minister Naftali Bennett and MP Zouheir Bahloul (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg, AFP)

"The law on nationality is an essential law in the light of continued erosion by the decisions of the High Court of Justice on the national foundation of the state of Israel, "said Bennett, who was a ardent critic of the court.

Parents mourning the Beit Jann Druze village also called the Israeli government
to immediately revoke the nationality law and to prevent the disintegration of trust between the Druze community and the government.

"The right direction for the merger with the Druze public is a special law recognizing the importance of the alliance with the Druze community … and any other minority that has a connection with the fate of the State of Israel, without changing the law on nationality, "suggested the leader of Bayit Yehudi.

"Last Wednesday, I submitted a proposal to the Prime Minister on this subject and I will work on its implementation," he promised.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets Prime Minister Druze on Friday
Sheikh Mowafak Tariff at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem with the aim of bridging the gap between the Druze community and the state of Israel surrounding the law.

Bahloul said that he intended to continue to make the difference from outside the legislature.

"It's a painful moment, if I give up, it means that all hope is lost, the Knesset has become the private domain of Prime Minister Netanyahu and his cohorts," accused Bahloul.

"The whole series of laws that exclude others, so dangerous to the democratic characteristics of the state, has worried the state of Israel," continued the Arab legislator .

   (Photo: EPA)

(Photo: EPA)

"I was burned, I can no longer be silent and it is better that I escape before this ship sinks .. still remains above the water, but I will not be on it, "insisted Bahloul.

But he pointed out that he did not completely abandon political life. "I will be one of the founders of the popular movement that is supposed to rise in this country, this popular movement of Arabs and Jews that will prove that ultimately despite the opposition of Netanyahu and his friends we can live here together and direct this ship to other places, "he explained.

The Labor Party said that he was "sorry to hear about the choice of MP Zouheir Bahloul."

"The nationality law is a kick in the head of more than a fifth of the Israeli population When we come back to the government, we will amend this law and add what should have been obvious: the word "Equality," said the party in a statement


Avi Gabbay, leader of the Labor Party, promised that his party "will ensure that in the next election, there is an appropriate representation of the Arab population "

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