Bennett Threatens Boycott Over Recalcitrant Deputy AG | Jewish News | Israel News



naftali bennett
Naftali Bennett speaks on Monday evening at the Knesset, Monday. (Miriam Alster / Flash90)

The furor over Deputy Attorney General Dina Zilber's criticism of the right-wing government of Naftali Bennett said he will boycott meetings where she is in attendance.

"I declare that if Zilber is not fired, it will be a long time ago," Bennett said in an interview with Channel 2.

"Her role is to provide legal advice, not to educate us. She suffers from megalomania and it's clear that her words are political. Let her resign and run for politics if she wants to. She's done advising us, "the Jewish Home chairman said.

On Tuesday, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked asked for a hearing in the Knesset or High Court, until Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit finishes investigating her. The demand in the aftermath of Zilber spoke in opposition to the Cultural Loyalty Bill, which would deny funding to subversive programs, and a general swipe at the divisive policies of the right.

"The Attorney General or someone in the name of a political party, but not political positions," Shaked said at The MarkerRoad Safety Conference.

"If a senior public official wants to enter into political issues, he should resign and join one of the parties or an NGO. It can not be done as part of the advisory function to the government.

However, it was not clear who has the authority to dismiss Zilber. While the Justice Minister is superordinate to the Attorney General in the government hierarchy, the latter exercises independent powers of the executive branch of the executive branch of the highest legal official.

"There's an argument about the Attorney General's powers. We are divided on the subject of Dina Zilber. The bottom line is that it is not attending to the Knesset and Government until the Attorney General's Finishing Investigation, which is the subject of which matters, "Shaked said.

Mandelblit baderted the authority to retain the position of deputy attorney general rests with him, as attorney general.

"A decision on the subject of a legal entity is a decision that is subject to my authority and my exclusive responsibility," Mandelblit wrote in a direct rebuff to Shaked.

Mandelblit said: "I am interested in examining the statements in your letter.

However, Mandelblit did not agree that the committee is in the process of The Jerusalem Post.

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