Berri, of PressTV-Lebanon, avoids the prejudices pro-Israel


The Lebanese legislator refused to meet with the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon and the commander of the world peacekeeping forces, denouncing their pro-Israel prejudices.

Speaker Nabih Berri had "crossed the line in his conduct" and was leaning more towards Israeli politics, speaking to the local newspaper al-Joumhouria .

"When I met her some time ago, I felt it more] Israeli politics to the detriment of our rights and borders. I drew her attention to the fact that she was committed to pursuing the policy of Sigrid Kaag, who held this position before her, "Berri said in the interview published on Friday.

"But she denied, saying that there was no audio recording to prove what I said," said the head of parliament and noted that He would probably never meet her again.

Berri said that he had planned to call the UN to remove the official from his post, but decided not to oppose Beirut to the international community The official, however, was summoned once for the country's complaints about her conduct

Pernille Dahler Kardel, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon

Separately, he refused to receive the outgoing commander of UNIFIL General Michael Beary, saying that he had participated in the celebrations from the "National Day" of Israel, and even congratulated Tel Aviv on this occasion.

Berri declared that the participation alone "was not enough for Beary, he tweeted congratulating Israel on this occasion and ignoring that he is the head of UNIFIL in Lebanon," the paper writes.

Israel launched large-scale wars against Lebanon in 2000 and 2006. In both cases, the regime was The countries are technically at war while Israel has occupied Shebaa farms in Lebanon since 1967.

Earlier in the year, the Lebanese Prime Minister, His Ad Hariri, was forced to retreat amidst Hezbollah resistance. said that the regime "remains the main threat to Lebanon".

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