Beware of Arab anger | Middle East


In the approach of the announcement of the agreement of the century, the Arab world is becoming more and more tense. Rumors spread about the content of the proposal fueled public outrage in the region.

At present, it is perfectly clear that the agreement of the century is neither a peace plan nor an intention, despite what its Chief Architect and White House Councilor Jared Kushner has claimed. It is yet another American imperial enterprise inspired by the mistaken notion that it is in the interest of the American people that Israel remains the regional hegemony and allows to swallow the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories.

This is a new Sykes-Picot which aims to divide and weaken the Arabs once more so that Israel can reign for even longer. But just as the Franco-British colonial projects were rejected, so will Kushner's contract. In his failure, however, he is likely to fuel popular anger and endanger the survival of Arab regimes.

Palestine: the Arab cause

Since the first decades of the twentieth century, Palestine has been a meeting place for all Arabs, a just cause for their collective struggle and a rallying cry against Western colonialism and its offshoot, the Zionist movement.

Unlike most Arab countries that gained independence in the mid-twentieth century, Palestine remains captive of the very colonial forces that have subjugated Arabs for decades. The suffering of Palestinians under Zionist colonialism and occupation remains a bleeding Arab wound and a painful reminder of the collective inability to eliminate Western domination of the region. The liberation of Western colonialism will never be fully realized as long as Palestinians continue to suffer daily violence, prolonged siege and military occupation.

Although the majority of Arabs today no longer remember the 1967 war and occupation, let alone the 1948 war and the ensuing Nakba, they remained extremely conscious and sensitive. suffering for Palestinians for two reasons. One, "tahrir falasteen" – the liberation of Palestine – has become a central element of the political identity and aspirations of the modern Arab; and second, because Israeli injustices, relentless Palestinian shatat – the Diaspora – and a determined Palestinian resistance have kept Palestine at the center of the collective Arab political consciousness.

Conscious of the importance of the Palestinian cause for the Arab mbades, Arab leaders have used and abused the Palestinian struggle to gain some degree of political validation, as their regimes lacked any democratic legitimacy. So, since Israel was established on the ruins of the Palestinian homeland in 1948, the liberation of Palestine has become a common official Arab mantra, widely used by even Arab regimes conspires with the colonial powers against the Palestinians.

But while Arab leaders, one by one, have begun to accept the status quo of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and have readily accepted the Western "rewards" for their "good behavior", the Arab streets do not have it. 39 have never followed.

according to a study of 2017 public attitudes in 11 Arab countries77% of respondents believe that the plight of Palestinians concerns all Arabs. It is interesting to note that the Arab countries whose regimes maintain official relations or militate for normalization with Israel are keen to see this problem solved: 90% of Jordanians, 85% of Egyptians and 80% of Saudis are convinced that the Palestinian cause is a pan-Arab cause.

At the same time, 90% of respondents say they still view Israel as the biggest threat to the security of their home country and 87% oppose the recognition of the security of their country of origin. Zionist state.

The fact that Arab leaders opposed the will of their people and engaged with Israel reduced their legitimacy and fueled popular anger. In 2011, these feelings finally degenerated, as popular uprisings swept the region. The fact that Palestinian flags were raised during demonstrations in the region – in Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Yemen, Syria and elsewhere – made it clear that the issue of Palestinians was one of population.

While the uprisings brought about short-term political liberalization, Arab activists rushed to show solidarity with their Palestinian brothers and sisters and organized convoys of humanitarian aid in Gaza. Meanwhile, In Egypt, angry mobs attacked the Israeli embbady in Cairo, causing the evacuation of all its staff.

Today, Algeria resumed its activities in place of other Arab countries after the counter-revolution that swept the region. Not a single demonstration took place in Algiers without the proud and proud Palestinian flags. After all, these are the same people who in 2016 acclaimed for the Palestinian national team against their own in a friendly football match.

The rest of the Arab world may be silent, rife with conflict and violent repression, but anger prevails below the surface.

While Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and others are pushing for normalization with Israel without resolving the Palestinian state, the Arab people categorically reject any concession of this kind.

Arab anger

Just as Britain and France took advantage of the chaos caused by the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century to impose their imperial designs on the Arabs, the United States and Israel are using the United States. instability post-Arab Spring to impose a new reality the region.

Using money, military force and political pressure, they want to remake the Arab region to advance American-Israeli colonial interests and cement the forced expulsion of Palestinians from their lands.

All of this will fuel the growing anger and sense of betrayal that Arab countries feel towards their governments, playing in American and Israeli hands to ensure their own survival. However, the Arab peoples should not be easily dismissed and discarded, as humiliation can have many unintended consequences.

The agreement of the century will eventually erase the lack of legitimacy left by Arab leaders and undermine their corrupt regimes. And just like in 2011, sooner or later, Arab anger will dissipate and invade the entire region in a new wave of uprisings that neither Israel nor its Western and regional allies can control.

Just as decades of the US sponsored "peace process", political pressure and economic corruption have failed to find a just solution to the Palestinian cause and stability in the region. Kushner's "deal of the century" will fail. Indeed, just like previous US initiatives, the situation in the Arab world and the will of its people are totally deaf.

Tel Aviv and some Arab capitals probably think that whatever the upheaval provoked by the agreement, it could be managed by mbadive repression, censorship and social control. But in recent decades, Palestinians and their Arab brothers and sisters have repeatedly demonstrated that they will not give in to brutal and violent masters.

What Kushner and his badociates must understand is that a vast process of change is under way in the Arab world, as a result of Arab aspirations for freedom and dignity, at the center of which is Palestine. This huge popular current has its ups and downs, but ultimately it can not be stopped.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Al Jazeera.

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