Bill Maher invokes #MeToo in criticizing Islam


"I am not anti-Muslim, I am anti-misogynist," he said.

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Bill Maher earns almost as much trouble from liberals as conservatives, and it is suspected that his special "Live From Oklahoma" will provoke a similar reaction after criticizing Christians who use the Bible to defend Trump administration policy of separating children from their parents on the US-Mexican border, the "animator" in real time "turns to another religion:" This ridiculous badization of the US ". Islam Must Stop … "

"I am not anti-Muslim, I am anti-misogyny, I thought feminism was one thing with the Liberals," clarified Maher.

"Yes, I am against when they throw a tarp at a woman like a motor boat.Are you ever tried any of these things? It's stuffy," said Maher about the burqa. "Men make women wander all day in a bading polling station so that they do not have to be responsible for their erections. Your move, #MeToo. "

Maher's focus is mostly on Trump himself, calling him a "narcissistic malignant" and stating that he "would willingly give Romney $ 1 million tomorrow when he took the control of America. Swear to God! "He also said that we would be better off under Mike Pence despite his status as a" disgusting Christian hypocrite ":" But Mike Pence is not trying to become a dictator, "said Maher.

not talking about Lock journalists and political opponents.It can name the three branches of government.It is in the normal parameters of Republican terrible.It is not the head of a criminal family. "

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