Actor Bill Maher took charge of President Trump and a variety of hot topics at Saturday's HBO special show in Tulsa, Oklahoma (Photo: HBO)

Donald Trump was the center of attention Saturday night performance, but this time he was receiving insults and not delivering them.

Bill Maher took his stand in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for a comedy – broadcast live by HBO – in front of a crowd that challenged the conservative stereotypes of the center, encouraging the mention of Bernie Sanders and the sudden resignation of the artist. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, a resident of Oklahoma. [19659006] More: Trump Chief of the EPA Scott Pruitt resigns as ethical scandal mount

In addition to throwing a barbed wire, the HBO star "Real Time with Bill Maher" had something wrong. Another in common with Trump, who spoke to a Montana Rally on Thursday: Maher urged the public to vote, although he pulls for the Democrats, not against them.

The comedian tackled many topics familiar to viewers in "real time", with more time to elaborate in a 65-minute stand-up show. Here are some of his likes and dislikes of a politically biting performance that seemed as much an effort to awaken and arouse viewers as to make them laugh:

Liberal Maher, born in New York and living in Los Angeles , kiss the heart, where he plays frequently.

"I adore the red states," he told the Tulsa crowd. "Reasonable liberals and media miss me so much."

For more information: The & Real Time & # 39; Bill Maher returns to the dawn of the Trump era

To learn more: Comedy scorecard: The winners (Colbert), the losers (Fallon) and between the two in The Trump era


Comics take a look at a difficult week for the Trump team in the best of late night
Eileen Rivers, USA TODAY 'HUI Opinion

He despises Trump

Maher, whose long-time criticism of Trump includes suggesting that he descended from an orang -outan, acknowledged unimpressive presidential predecessors, but said: As this one, who was so aggressively stupid, prides himself on not having any information in his head. He offered a vulgar suggestion about how Sean Hannity could provide the president with information.

Maher is not very happy with Trump's Republican supporters. , no more. "It's not just the clown, it's the circus … Donald Trump could not be where he is without all these facilitators."

Surprisingly, he has a weakness for vice -President Mike Pence – but only because it's not Trump.

the stimulants that put me under the skin, the one I hate the most is Mike Pence. He whitens all Donald Trump's mud because he looks so Christian, "said Maher, slipping into a southern accent for the last word.

But "when people say that Mike Pence would be worse, I beg you to reconsider that." Mike Pence is the kind of disgusting Christian hypocrite who, if I did not already hate religion, I would start. Pence is not trying to become a dictator … He can name the three branches of government.It is in the normal Republican terrible setting.It is not the head of a criminal family. "

He does not like how Trump turned immigration into such an important political issue.

" We do not even have of immigration problem. to have a problem in my life, I did not want to go out, I did not want, I do not want, I do not want, I do not blame anyone, the biggest con that Republicans have ever managed to convince Americans of the working clbad.

Maher likes to tell jokes about masturbation, but he does not like or even understand the stories of fallen Hollywood powers accused of masturbating in front of women

comedian, I talk about masturbation on stage for a long time. Last year, for the first time in my life, when I talk about this subject, I have to spell it: I was alone. I've always badumed that everyone knew that masturbation meant you were alone. … I used to say that I do not understand women. I do not understand men.

However, it is fortunate that dishonored men get their reward and that the Me Too movement has achieved results.

"I hope women know that there are many men who are very happy for you, that this calculation has finally arrived and that your lives will always be better for that. I have always hated bullies (and) badual harbadment is a particularly heinous kind of intimidation, "he said. "Every man is warned, you play with five faults."

Maher, whose invitation to speak at the University of California at Berkeley in 2014, has faced accusations religious sectarianism and an effort to cancel the invitation ("Because they're windy I could speak freely"), do not like what he sees as the politically correct liberal, especially on college campuses.

"People nothing is funny can not win We have to laugh and the snowflakes continue to want to move the goalposts over what can be funny", he says. "When I was younger, we never had terms like micro-aggression, safe spaces and trigger warnings … When did everyone become so fragile?" [19659007] Of course, Maher's campaign advice to focus on economic and not social and cultural arguments, in his brutal signature style, was likely to alienate some of the same Democrats he was encouraging to vote for.

"Democrats, we just have to win, we can not hold elections any more, so next time, a little bit more about" We're going to bring back your work "and a little less about" We're going to make you piss at side of a guy in dress "."

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