Bill on a collective military cadre with India is passed in the United States Congress | India


WASHINGTON – A bipartisan bill was introduced in the US Congress to advance the strategic partnership between the United States and India towards a new level of collective military planning and maritime security, ostensibly to resist Chinese hegemony in the Indo-Pacific region.

On July 25, the influential MP Joe Wilson (Republican), a prominent member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, proposes the "US-India Enhanced Cooperation Act of 2018". He is supported by MP Ami Bera (Democrat) – the oldest Indo-American Congressman – and co-chairs of House India Caucus, MP George Holding (Republican) and Congressman Tulsi Gabbard (Democrat).

If enacted, the legislation would ensure that the US State Department treats India as a "major defense partner" when considering the approval of defense sales in New Delhi.

Wilson's legislation is based on India's status as a major defense partner. The bill aims to approve and facilitate the transfer of advanced technologies and strategic capabilities … and supports military planning combined with India for missions such as humanitarian aid and relief in case disaster, the fight against piracy. , freedom of navigation and maritime awareness missions, and to promote the interoperability of weapons systems, "according to its policy statement.

It also rebadures India that the United States recognizes the importance of security of supply for the major defense capabilities acquired in the United States and in their industries, and that They will endeavor not to disrupt this supply.

with India to develop mutually acceptable security verification mechanisms for defense items, defense services and related technology, such as appropriate cybersecurity and surveillance devices. 39, end-use

export to India and continue to strengthen defense and security cooperation with India to promote US interests in South Asia and Indo-Asia-Pacific regions. "

" India is the world's largest democracy in the region, and has shown a firm commitment to export control policies. He said that relations with India remained "a cornerstone of security in the Indo-Pacific region" and designating India as a great power. "Defense partner," we can strengthen our alliance and strengthen our cooperation in defense and security with India. "

The bill, when pbaded, will allow the United States and India to address emerging common threats and strengthen military cooperation for joint exercises and humanitarian badistance.

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