Birthright participants who took part in the trip start the GoFundMe page to pay for their return flight


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A group of Birthright participants decided to get off some buses during a trip to protest the Israeli "occupation" of the West Bank. Now activists have started a GoFundMe page to pay for their return flight.

According to the Times of Israel, eight activists came out of two buses on their sixth day of the 10-day Birthright trip, claiming that Birthright would not show "Visit Israel in 2018 and not receive a full education on the subject." Occupation, it's like visiting the South in the 1950s and not talking about Jim Crow's segregation. ", The GoFundMe page read." Young Jews deserve the truth about what is happening on our behalf and it is disconnected and absurd that Birthright is trying to hide that from us. "

As a result, Birthright canceled its flights and kept his $ 250 deposit, urging activists to launch the GoFundMe page to cover their travel costs and potential legal fees, activists say Birthright threatened them with a lawsuit, which Birthright denies.

"We respect the ability of all participants to formulate their own opinions and to engage in a productive and respectful dialogue." "However, we will not tolerate any attempt to use this experience to promote ideological programs.

Six of the activists belong to a progressive Jewish organization called IfNotNow, which has already confronted Birthright leaders and participants in their departure for Israel. oment of the publication, activists collected nearly $ 12,000 on the GoFundMe page

H / T: Daily Wire

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