Birthright to allow all candidates despite provocations of the far left | The Jewish Press – | Hana Levi Julian | 14th 5778 – 25th July 2018


Photo Credit: Ariel Tidhar

An IfNotNow Poster Encouraging Birthright Participants to Ask Questions About Their Journey

The Taglit-Birthright Program says it will continue to accept candidates for his free trips to Israel without pre-screening infiltrators of far-left organizations who are trying to disrupt tours once they are underway.

The infiltration of the anti-Israel organization IfNotNow has already been the subject of several incidents of this nature during the past year.

began the tour with Birthright and, towards the end of the trip, got up on the bus, delivered a political speech and announced that they were leaving for a pre-arranged tour of the city. Hebron with guides to Breaking the Silence, inviting other participants to join

They also made sure to film their disturbance of the Birthright tour; these video clips are useful for recruiting like-minded people who are looking for ways to hurt Israel. Indeed, these videos have become viral on social networks. an apolitical organization Birthright Israel has no official position on the borders of Israel. We are constantly working with our guides to ensure that they illuminate the broader context and complexity of current geopolitical issues, without any partisanship. "

IfNotNow members arrested Birthright participants at the airport before embarking for Israel, However, Birthright says to Haaretz :" As stated on our Website, Birthright Israel does not inquire about the political views of its candidates and will continue to welcome all Jewish young adults from around the world, as long as they do not disturb the experience of other participants or turn away not intentionally the route of the tour. "

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