Blood Moon 2018: The Eclipse on Jerusalem signals the end of the world nearby – SHOCK CLAIM | Bizarre | New


US Pastor Paul Begley is certain that the Blood Moon is a sign from above and that the lunar eclipse of July 27 marks the last chapter of the history books of the world. Humanity

The Christian conspiracy theorist preaches the dark biblical predictions about the apocalypse. is about to be stunned.

Pastor Begley warned that the Blood Moon would pbad over Israel and the Middle East to fulfill Biblical prophecy.

In a shared online video, he said, "Are you serious? Are you seriously serious?"

"The UAE will be stunned – they are already stunned by what will happen." [19659002] "The Blood Moon that is going to be directly over the Middle East, directly over Jerusalem and UAE

" They are already stunned by the 103-minute realization of Absolute Blood Moon on their heads. "

The lunar eclipse of July is presented by astronomers as the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century. One hour and 43 minutes

But according to Pastor Begley, there will not be another century to follow because we live at the end of time.

The Doomsday preacher claims that the lunar eclipse is a prophetic event In the biblical book of Acts chapter 2: 16-21, the book of Joel and the book of revelations,

Pastor Begley said, "People are beginning to understand that this is not any moon of blood."

is the blood moon of the century one I do not think that there is another century.

"So when you start talking about the longest blood moon of the century and directly over the Middle East, directly on Jerusalem, in the 70th year of its rebirth as a nation. the year that Jerusalem became the capital and the inner city of God, the same year we see not only a Super Blue Blood Moon who told us what was going to happen with Jerusalem, but now a Moon of Blood.

"This blood moon is just over the Middle East and that is what this Alliance of many is working on." 19659002 "Saudi Crown Prince is involved, Jared Kushner's son-in-law is involved, Prince William of the Royals and the British Empire are involved, then of course the King of Jordan, President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Palestinian President Abbas, Egyptian President and the list goes on and on.

"Everyone is involved that, but only the actual physical manifestation of this Moon of Blood will stun the United Arab Emirates."

Pastor Begley also warned people to stay tuned for terrifying cyclones, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, heat waves and other cataclysmic events.

suggest that the July Blood Moon is something other than a natural astronomical phenomenon.

Due to the slightly shifted orbit of the Moon around the Earth, astronomers observe at least two lunar eclipses per year.

And during the eclipse the moon will not actually become red but rather after pbading into the darkest shadow of the Earth, refracted sunlight will paint the moon a dark red until To orange glow.

After the full 103 minutes pbad the Moon will return to direct sun and will not be different from what it looks like right now.

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