Boris Johnson resigns as UK Foreign Secretary, citing objections to the EU's exit proposal


Boris Johnson resigned from his post as British Foreign Minister on Monday, stating that he could "conscientiously defend" an agreement reached Friday by the government on the UK's exit from the United States. ; EU. Two other members of the British parliament also resigned from their ministerial duties on Sunday, saying they did not support the deal. British Prime Minister Theresa May said that the agreement "would honor the result of the referendum" to leave the EU.

At Friday's meeting, called Checkers after the prime minister's succession where the discussions took place, the cabinet approved a "vision for a David Davis resigned from his position as secretary of state at the exit from the EU and Steve Baker resigned from his ministerial post in the same department on Sunday.Johnson, who campaigned to leave the union before the 2016 referendum, then resigned from his post as secretary to Foreign Affairs, claiming that the agreement did not "represent the interests" of the British people.

The UK and the EU have not negotiated final agreement on certain aspects the deadline for this agreement was set when the United Kingdom initiated an exit procedure 50 of the Lisbon Treaty . trade agreements, obligations financial, compliance with regulatory standards for goods and customs and residence of EU citizens in the United Kingdom and vice versa

. would give the United Kingdom "control" of its borders, its law and its money, in accordance with the referendum to leave the EU. The UK voted 51.89 to 48.11 percent in favor of leaving the union. May, who initially backed the campaign to stay in the EU, took the head of the government in July 2016 when David Cameron, who also supported keeping in the union, resigned.

Ladies Agreement

The Government issued a statement on the Preliminary Agreement, which was concluded after a 12-hour meeting, which stated that the United Kingdom and the United States EU:

  • "Establish a free trade area for goods." Maintain a "common settlement for all goods", by "harmoniz [ing]" with the rules of the EU. Establish "strong reciprocal commitments related to open and fair trade", such as state aid and regulatory standards for the environment, climate change and employment. Create a "common institutional framework to ensure the consistent interpretation and application of the UK-EU agreements by both parties", through the UK and EU courts and "eu with regard to EU case law.
  • Introducing a "simplified customs arrangement" that "would eliminate the need for customs controls and controls" between the United Kingdom and the EU, as if it had been a matter of "combined customs territory".

The government announced Friday the publication of a white paper with the details of the proposal the following week.


Johnson, who was Foreign Minister since June 2016, outlined the reasons for his resignation in a letter that he posted on Twitter. In that document, he stated that the United Kingdom was moving towards "colony status" and criticized some aspects of the Checkers agreement, including "accepting" that the UK would not be able to Adopt laws independent of the EU. In a letter accepting Johnson's resignation, May writes, "The agreement we reached on Friday marks the point where this is no longer the case and if you are not able to" May said in a statement in the House of Commons that she wanted to "recognize" Johnson's "pbadion" … by promoting this agreement in the UK's interest. A global Britain in the world "as the country leaves the EU."

Jeremy Hunt, who was the secretary for health, was named as Johnson's replacement later on Monday, and Matt Hanbad was named the new health secretary.

Davis, who resigned as state secretary at the exit of the EU, had been appointed to that post in 2016. He said Sunday that the " "The best person" to be a secretary is someone who really believes in Checkers' agreement – not him. "After his resignation, Dominic Raab, who had been Housing Minister, was promoted to the position of Secretary of the Board. EU has said that she wanted to "recognize" Davis' work to "pbad to parliament some of the most important legislation for the generations."

Baker, who resigned as a sub- Secretary at the departing department of the EU said that he could not "represent" Checkers' policy "like my own policy and so I can not be in the government." He said that he was working on a white paper for the exit of the EU that "was not not in line with what was Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, said that the resignations of the British cabinet have done nothing to "resolve the disorder caused by the Brexit", the familiar name of the British release of the # 39; EU. The European Commission refused to comment to the BBC

Sources: Johnson Resignation Every Declaration BBC BBC [19659030] BBC BBC BBC BBC [19659022] The Guardian

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