Brat Elon Glickman anti-Israeli birthright displays embarrassing ignorance


Now, this posted the video of one of the anti-Israeli right husbands (Elon Glickman) complaining about a map they had been given, because it was not did not mention the West Bank.

Glickman also tweeted the map:

For all those who are curious to see the map, they gave us a close look. The West Bank is called Judea and Samaria and Zone C is called the Green Line. It's a crap 1984.

– Elon Glickman (@elonTglickman) July 20, 2018

Sorry, this is not "1984 shit . " That's 1759 shit:

(Glickman really looks like the form depicted in bold on the map of 1759.)

Glickman and the other enemies of Israel who took the Birthright free trip could really have finished with education while they were there. They clearly lack a basic understanding even of the history of this earth – and who conquered that.

Meanwhile, having reached their fundraising goal of $ 10,000, the brats have now increased to $ 18,000

At the time of this post, they have ambaded more than $ 13,000

Meanwhile, Glickman had tweeted anti-Israeli propaganda since early 2017. I hope Birthright will make better checks on its future participants Update : As Tasha pointed out on Twitter, the legend of the map mentions the West Bank and zones A, B and C.

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