Breaking the law is no use to anyone | The Jewish Press – | Emily Amrousi | 13th 5778 – 25th July 2018


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A Chuppah waiting for a Chatan and Kallah

{{Originally posted on the website of JNS }

The news that police went to knock on the door of a rabbi suspected of illegally celebrating a Jewish wedding in Israel – and that they did so at 5:30 am – was safe to create a fire storm.

As with every tumult, it would be better to go directly to the root of the problem

A person who studies treatments with coconut oil or at retail can not claim to be a doctor, even if she considers herself such. The state determines who is a doctor, an engineer or an accountant, and even who is eligible to receive a driver's license.

The state also defines who is a rabbi, and as such allowed to conduct and register religious marriages. Anyone with a microphone can conduct a civil ceremony. A religious ceremony can only be conducted by a qualified person, usually after five to 10 years of training, who has a certification and a professional license from the state to officiate at the wedding ceremonies, according to law.

State, but the Orthodox Chief Rabbinate has authority over issues such as marriage. The popular currents of Judaism popular with the American Jewish community have not taken root in Israel. Rabbis legally allowed to perform marriages in Israel are orthodox rabbis.

Rabbi Dov Hayun, a conservative rabbi, was questioned because he was not allowed to celebrate marriages "in accordance with the laws of Moses and Israel," Just as beauticians are not not allowed to write prescriptions for eye drops no matter what they read on the subject.

The police should not have questioned Hayun, and they should not have come to his door. this morning time. Nevertheless, according to the rabbinical courts, Hayun organized a marriage ceremony between a couple considered by the rabbinate as forbidden to marry according to religious law, a criminal offense.

This is a serious problem, and it makes people wary of the Conservatives. movement: If this is the case, our children will not be able to marry the children of couples who have married in these alternative ceremonies.

Those who present themselves as rabbis and conduct marriages for couples who can not be married can not be married falsify the records or the owners of restaurants who falsify the permits of the Ministry of Health. Regardless of the cleanliness and wholesomeness of a restaurant, it is not the owner who decides when he adopts the mandatory health codes.

The law can be terrible and can be archaic, but it can be changed. Breaking the law does not help anyone.

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