Brexit no business plan takes shape as Raab prepares to play hard with the EU | Policy | New


The remaining Brexit Bulldogs of the Prime Minister demanded that no business plan be released as a condition to support his controversial White Paper.

The plan would only be implemented if the EU rejected its offer of Bexit

"Michael Gove was one of the many ministers who agreed that the UK is trying to reach an agreement with Brussels on a plan for a milder Brexit. " But the counterpart was that it had to be accompanied by a more convincing threat that the UK could give up talks if the EU refused to play ball.

The Departement of the European Union is now on the road to non-planning. His office after Mr. Davis threw the sponge

The officials predict that he even went so far as to make no plans, leaving Olly Robbins, Chief Negotiator Mrs May's Brexit, to hold talks with Brussels. 02] Although some Brexit members have argued that Mr. Robbins had too much power,

Brexitier Raab told officials that there would be structural changes in his department "in the coming weeks", said a senior Whitehall official. , from the Government's Reflection Institute, said: "There is a huge communication effort that needs to be made towards businesses in the event of a disagreement, as happens to suppliers and chains of companies. supply. " like Ireland and the Netherlands, have already put in place much better resources than the UK to help companies plan for this eventuality.

Henry Newman, director of Open Europe, said last week that Mr. Raab should

He added, "Making the preparations for a transaction must be a crucial part of the role of Raab as Secretary of Brexit. "

Today, the Prime Minister must face the deputies in the House of Commons vote on a series of amendments in the hope of destroying his plan for a "common regulation" covering a new "UK-EU Free Trade Area".

Even if the measures do not pbad, the rebels hope that the show of force will be sufficient to pressure the Prime Minister to retire.

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