Britain slams imminent demolition of Bedouin village in West Bank: "We will act with like-minded countries" – Israel News


Britain will work with like-minded European countries to prevent the demolition of the Bedouin community in Khan al-Ahmar in the West Bank, British Foreign Minister Alistair Burt told parliament on Wednesday.

Britain also reiterated its concerns to the Israeli government over the planned demolitions, Burt said in response to a parliamentary question from Labor MP Richard Burden.

"This morning, officials from our Embbady in Tel Aviv and our Consulate General in Jerusalem visited Khan al-Ahmar to express our concern and demonstrate the support of the international community to this community," Burt said. "In accordance with our long-standing policy, we therefore condemn such an initiative, which would be a major blow to the prospects of a two-state solution with Jerusalem as a shared capital."

He revealed that the British ambbadador had protested Monday in front of the Israeli adviser to national security Meir Ben Shabbat. "It should not happen and should not happen," Burt added.

  Palestinians protest against the planned demolition of Khan al-Ahmar, Wednesday, July 4, 2018 "title =" Palestinians protest against the planned demolition of Khan al-Ahmar, Wednesday, July 4, 2018 "srcset =" https: // www .haaretz .com / polopoly_fs / 1.6244146.1530725888!! /image/297165680.jpg_gen/ derivatives / size_640xAuto / 297165680.jpg 640w, https: //! /image/297165680.jpg_gen/derivatives/size_748xAuto/297165680.jpg 748w, 936w, https: //! /image/297165680.jpg_gen/derivatives/size_1496xAuto/ 297165680.jpg 1496w "height =" "/>

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Other members of Parliament joined the discussion. While some were talking to friends in Israel worried about the lack of progress in the peace process with the Palestinians, others called on Britain to immediately and unilaterally recognize a state. Palestinian in response to the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's refusal to comply with international law.

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In Israel, Joint List President, MP Ayman Odeh, called the planned demolition a "war crime that will leave whole families homeless." People already expelled twice by the state, now fighting for their home and school. which gives them hope. "
It is a political maneuver of the government to cut and dismantle Arab settlements in C areas and expand Israeli settlement blocs, "thus preventing any possibility for a Palestinian state peace."

Eleven people were arrested after throwing stones at Khan al-Ahmar on Wednesday. Dozens of Palestinians have been wounded, according to the Red Crescent. Four were taken to the hospital and three police officers were slightly injured, one of whom received medical attention at the scene.

Representatives of the Israeli Civil Administration on Tuesday evening suspended reports on Khan al-Ahmar in the West Bank, warning villagers of their imminent expulsion. Wednesday morning, there were bulldozers on the scene and clashes erupted.

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