British Government Plans Investigation into Incitement in Palestinian Textbooks | Jns


The British government is expected to revise the Palestinian Authority's educational program on growing concerns that British taxpayers are paying for Palestinians to teach children incitement and anti-Semitism.

In a letter to Labor Friends of Israel (LFI), Members of Parliament Joan Ryan and Ian Austin, and Middle East Minister Alistair Burt "presented a planned evaluation of the Palestinian Studies Program, which will involve a rigorous and independent review of the pilot's AP manual ", UK Jewish News reports

The UK pays more than 20 million pounds ($ 26 million) a year for Palestinian schools. BIA calls for PA review According to Jennifer Gerber, Director of the BIA, "LFI's first concern about the Palestinian Authority's new hate lessons was raised directly by the government in September."

"He is ridiculous that British taxpayers' money is helping to support the teaching of a program that incites violence and terrorism and spreads anti-Semitism, "said MP

during a debate Wednesday at Ryan's request, Burkinabe Minister Burt said: "there is no place in education materials or practices that encourage young minds to "violence," and that the review, which should be completed by September 2019, will be "evidence-based and rigorous".

The survey was spurred by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in the School Education Group in AP They conclude that they provoke "so more extensive and more sophisticated the "young Palestinians" and that "the goal of the program seems to have gone from the demonization of Israel to the justification of the war".

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