Casey Seiler: Let Cher Shabby help you


"Our suggestion is that the Court impose a meaningful term of imprisonment followed by a long probationary period in which Mr. Silver would be required both to perform acts of contrition and to Strict community service, for example, providing an badistance service to help New York citizens navigate their way through the bureaucracy to answer their questions and maximize their chances of receiving benefits to which they may be entitled. "

– The lawyers of the former Speaker of the Sheldon Silver Assembly; On Friday, Silver was sentenced to seven years in prison

Dear Mr. Silver: My wife and I own a small hardware store in Columbia County. Because we are located on the main street across the city, we greatly need a loading area in-store. Can you give advice on the best way to get this designation?


Carl Slupinski

Dear Mr. Slupinski: Thank you for your question. I've always believed that small businesses like yours are the backbone of the economy for this state and the rest of our nation.

One strategy that you could pursue is the establishment of a network of limited liability companies that will make it possible to repeatedly donate the maximum individual to the campaigns of the elected officials who could help you to solve this problem of zone. loading, or any other. Although there is a marginal cost to setting up an LLC or several in virtual anonymity, they pay for themselves in a very short period of time.

You might also consider organizing a fundraiser for an individual candidate or group of local aldermen council members or what-have-you. I can badure you that this is perfectly legal as far as I know.


Sheldon Silver

Dear Silver Ex-President: My husband and I are waiting for our first child in two months and we are simply unable to agree on a color for nursery. We decided not to know if we had a boy or a girl to preserve the "surprise". With this in mind, I am biased to a light green, while my husband thinks that a pale blue is sufficiently neutral. What is your advice?

Thanks in advance,

Eva O'Neill

Dear Mrs. O. Neill: Thank you for your question. I've always believed that having a child is the backbone of family life in New York and in the rest of our great nation, despite the occasional disputes that all couples are having. commit. At home as in politics, I've always been a fervent supporter of consensus – but reaching consensus sometimes requires the application of influence

My best advice is that you should consider the creating a network of limited liability companies or "LLC" that will help you forge relationships with local elected officials or potential candidates. Share with them your preference for light green in the nursery. If your house is large enough, hold a fundraiser and invite these officials to attend. At some point during the evening, suggest a brief visit of the house alongside your husband. Encourage your new friends in local politics to share with your spouse their deep belief that the nursery would be immeasurable to be painted in your favorite color.

Your previous communication with these politicians is not subject to any form of disclosure (so far as I know it), your "better half" will not be any wiser.

Mazel will talk to you and your husband about impending birth.

Your Friend,

Former President Sheldon Silver

Dear Sheldon Silver: I call Dawn Hanley and I am 14 years old and I have a problem very serious. There is a boy in my English clbad named Tom who is #So # cute and smart and really nice but every time I try to talk to him, I freeze and I feel like I'm watching him fixedly. I saw on the news that you were a person who knew how to "build relationships" so I really hope you can help me please !!!

Best, Dawn

Dear Ms. Hanley: Thank you for your question. I've always said that trust and friendships are the most important ingredients of success. Myself, as a much younger man, I was known as a kind of "wallflower", although I ended up learning the best way to get out of myself and to work with others to achieve great things. You look like a very energetic young lady and I am sure that any gentleman in your school would be lucky to be your handsome.

My best advice is to seriously consider a career in the legal profession combined with the pursuit of a senior elective position. A position in, say, the state legislature can be the most rewarding in the spiritual as well as the material sense.

You would be astonished at the respect and, yes, the romantic interest produced by someone who has reached a position of influence in these spheres. The state government is in many ways similar to any other campus, where everyone admires the great man. Or woman, I guess.

As an alternative, you should consider creating a network of limited liability companies or "LLCs". I've found that both efforts can be a sure path to trust and influence among your peers.

Faithfully yours,


[email protected] • 518-454-5619

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