CHECK FACTS: Eliminate the base on energy, the court case, more


WASHINGTON (AP) – President Donald Trump was jubilant about a lawsuit that did not offer him the justification he implied in his triumphant tweet. This crowned a week of distortions, half-truths and gaps in his statements about the economy, North Korea and other issues of the time.

A review of the week:

TRUMP: "Won the lawsuit filed by the DNC and a bunch of crazy Democrats trying to claim the Trump campaign (and others), accomplices of Russia, they did not understand that it was an excuse for them to lose the elections! – tweet friday.

THE FACTS: Trump is wrong to say that the Democratic National Committee has filed the complaint. S & # 39; he suggests that the outcome of the case exonerates his campaign on allegations that Trump's badociates would collude with Russia, it is also fake.

In the lawsuit, two Democratic donors and a former chief of staff at the DNC finance office allege that the Trump campaign and Trump's Roger Stone have conspired with Russian agents and WikiLeaks to publish pirated democratic emails [19659002] District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle dismissed the complaint, stating that it had been filed in the wrong jurisdiction and that it was defective for other technical reasons. In fact, she writes, "it must be emphasized that the decision of this Court does not rest on the conclusion that there was no collusion between the accused and Russia at the time of the arrest". 2016 presidential election. "


TRUMP:" Just that the Obama administration granted citizenship, during the terrible negotiation of Iran, to 2,500 Iranians – including government officials of the government – what is the gravity (and the bad)? "- tweet tuesday

THE FACTS: Trump's claim, which he repeated in a Fox News report, is baseless.The report says that Hojjat al-Islam Mojtaba Zolnour, an extremist member from the Iranian parliament, made this allegation in an interview with a local newspaper.He is a virulent critic of the nuclear deal

The agreement was signed in July 2015 to significantly limit the ability Tehran nuclear power in exchange for the lifting of international oil and financial sanctions Nothing in the agreement concerns the naturalization or immigration of Iranians

Rather than increase, the number of 39 Iranians naturalized in the United States declined after signing the agreement, rising from 10,344 in 2015 to 9,507 in 2016, according to the Department of Homeland Security .. In 2014, the number of Iranians became citizens was 9 620. There are about a million of I living in the United States, many with green cards, representing a large pool of residents who can eventually become citizens.

Trump was removed from the Iranian nuclear deal in May, describing it as a flawed deal. 1965-19002] TRUMP: "The monopoly of OPEC must remember that gas prices are rising and that they are doing little to help, they are driving up prices because the United States is defending a lot of their members for very little dollars.This must be a two way street REDUCING PRICES NOW! "- tweet Wednesday.

TRUMP: – "The OPEC handles" the oil market. – Fox News interview on July 1st.

THE FACTS: Trump overlooks the more general reality of price increases. Oil prices were already rising on growing demand and expectations that a sharp decline in new oil company investments would reduce oil supply.

The OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. The members of the cartel, led by Saudi Arabia, and other major producers, including Russia, helped to reverse the drop in crude oil prices that began in 2014. They showed of discipline by limiting production since the beginning of last year. Last month, OPEC members agreed to pump an additional 1 million barrels of crude a day, a measure that should help contain world energy prices.

But other factors affect oil production. investments from major oil companies like Exxon Mobil, Chevron and BP to more than $ 1 trillion – the equivalent of eliminating the world's fourth largest oil producer.

In addition, production from Venezuela, a major oil exporter to the United States, plunged as the South American country went through a political and economic crisis, while fighting in Libya over oil infrastructure control from this country have disrupted the oil supply.

Trump's decision in May to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal and re-impose sanctions on Iran, the third largest producer of OPEC. Iran had boosted production after the lifting of US sanctions in 2016. Trump urged European leaders to unite behind sanctions on even as countries seek to rescue the nuclear deal from 2015 without American cooperation. Analysts expect production to drop when Trump 's decision to withdraw from the deal will make sense later this year.


TRUMP: "Many good conversations with North Korea – it's going well! Nuclear tests in 8 months All Asia is delighted, only the opposition party, which includes the Fake News, complains, otherwise for me, we would now be at war with North Korea! "- tweet Tuesday

TRUMP:" We signed a very good document saying that they will denuclearize all this … everything will happen … Eight months, no nuclear tests, no missiles, nothing at all. " – FACTS: Trump's view that his administration's plan to dismantle North Korea's nuclear weapons "is doing well" is not shared by non-proliferation experts.

Nuclear and missile tests, a complete dismantling of weapons is a different matter. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has pledged to "complete the denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula during his June 12 summit with Trump in Singapore, but experts say there is no There is no evidence that a freeze of testing means that the North will take concrete action Most North Korean experts say that the United States has an unrealistic approach to the denuclearization of the North

The secretary of the North US state Mike Pompeo said that the United States wanted North Korea to take "major" measures of nuclear disarmament in the next two years. before the end of Trump's first term in January 2021. John Trump's National Security Advisor, John Bolton, recently announced a more ambitious one-year plan

. program and its history of escape and reluctance to allow verification of disarmament agreements. They say any solid deal will require Kim to be completely transparent about his program – at a time when intelligence reports suggest that he will try to deceive the US on the extent of his weapons or facilities secret.


TRUMP: "We have become a nation that exports energy for the first time." – Montana Rally

THE FACTS: This is not true. The United States has exported many forms of energy for decades, while still importing more. And it is not true that the United States has become a net exporter of energy. The US Energy Information Agency predicts that the United States will start exporting more energy than it imports over the next decade, mainly because of the boom in oil and gas production that began before Donald Trump's presidency. The Trump White House predicted that this could happen sooner, by 2020. But Trump is wrong to say that the United States has "become" this nation.


TRUMP: "I have won Montana by so many points that I do not There are many states people where we have these big crazy tracks, we got 42 and 44 – we won 44 points on a Democrat – on a Democrat – we won – won 44 points on a Democrat "- Montana Rally

THE FACTS: He won two states by more than 40 points, Wyoming (46 points) and West Virginia (42). He won Montana by 21 points.


TRUMP: "It's time to pull out Liberal Democrat Jon Tester … A vote for Jon Tester is a vote for Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and the new Democrat Leader Maxine Waters." FACTS: Trump suggests that Test vote in perfect harmony with Democrats such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, but the Senator worked closely with Republicans on two veterans laws cited by Trump as principal achievements of his administration.

One was a compromise bill co-sponsored with Republicans Johnny Isakson and Marco Rubio to facilitate the firing of employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs; His support as a High Democrat on the Senate Veterans Committee paved the way for the adoption of Congress despite the objections of federal unions and some House Democrats like Pelosi. Testing also helped draft a bill to give veterans more freedom to see doctors outside the VA system, striving to keep the promise of Trump's campaign to reduce waiting times 39, improve care. Pelosi and several Democrats voted against the bill as risking greater "privatization" of the VA.

On Monday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders quoted in part the support of Robert Wilkie. the Senate must act quickly to confirm it


TRUMP: "Congress must pbad smart, fast and reasonable immigration laws now." Law enforcement at the border makes an excellent work, but the laws that they apply forced to work with is crazy … Congress – SET OUR LAWS IMMIGRATION INSANE NOW! "THE FACTS: Trump sends more conflicting messages regarding immigration legislation that would end family separation, now that the Republican-led Congress should act immediately."

He had two weeks ago urged Republicans to wait Acting on a bill, tweeting that they should "stop wasting their time on immigration until we elect more senators and congressmen in November."

Trump later tweeted that House Republicans should approve the bill "STRONG GOAL FAIR" Democrats would not allow him to move to the Senate, before changing his mind a week ago, saying that 39; he "never pushed" Republicans to the House to vote for a bill on immigration

. images and cries of young immigrant children separated from their parents on the southern border. Trump sought to blame the Democrats for the failure of the adoption of legislation.


Associate Press writer Matthew Lee contributed to this report.


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EDITOR'S NOTE _ A look at the veracity of the claims of political figures

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