Chief of Staff instructs to ‘maintain readiness’ in the south


Chief of staff with commanders

Chief of staff with commanders

IDF Spokesperson

Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot on Wednesday held a situational badessment in the Gaza Division regarding the activities of the division in the last few days.

The badessment was attended by the Commander of the Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the Commander of the Gaza Division, Brig. Gen. Eliezer Toledano, the Commander of the 162nd Division, Brig. Gen. Oded Basyuk and other commanders.

The Chief of the General Staff expressed his appreciation to the commanders and to the forces for their activities in the past period.

As part of the badessment, the defensive and offensive activities of the forces were presented and various aspects of the use of force were discussed. As part of the badessment, it was agreed to maintain the readiness of the forces and the increased military presence in the division’s area.

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