Chime In! to present free concert in Bethlehem


  • Chime In! is performing a free concert in Bethlehem to celebrate the season. Photo: Chime In! / Contributed Photo

    Chime In! is performing a free concert in Bethlehem to celebrate the season.

    Chime In! is performing a free concert in Bethlehem to celebrate the season.

    Photo: Chime In! / Contributed Photo

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Photo: Chime In! / Contributed Photo

Chime In! is performing a free concert in Bethlehem to celebrate the season.

Chime In! is performing a free concert in Bethlehem to celebrate the season.

Photo: Chime In! / Contributed Photo

Chime In! to present free concert in Bethlehem

BETHLEHEM — Join Chime In! Music with a Mission for a fun afternoon sharing the joy of music at its annual Community Music Day. Musicians from Bethlehem and the surrounding area will gather to prepare and perform music together.

Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy the accomplishments of the day: a free public concert at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 18, at Church of the Nativity, 48 East Street, Bethlehem.

The concert will include performances by We Sing! Children’s Choir of Connecticut, by the handbell choirs of Chime In!, and by local church choirs, singers, and instrumentalists. The program will close with a finale performed by all participants.

For more information about Community Music Day, our calendar of upcoming events, or about Chime In! visit or e-mail us at [email protected].

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