China will increase its influence in the Middle East: experts


Dildar Baykan


Political badysts interpreted China's promise to send more than $ 23 billion in loans and humanitarian aid to Arab countries in order increase Chinese influence in the region.

Altay Atli, a lecturer at Koc University, commented on Chinese President Xi Jinping's promise to send humanitarian aid and billions of dollars in loans to Arab countries during the summer. a conference attended by 22 Arab countries in Beijing

. "China produces half of its oil and gas" But China buys half of its oil and gas needs in the Middle East, hence the efforts to have a say in the region ", he said.

Atli pointed out that China focused solely on the economic aspects of Middle East politics, but things changed after the 2011 Arab Spring, with China being isolated from the Middle East. region in terms of the economy

"China continues its aid and investments in the region. old quarters. In doing so, he wants to join the round table by having a say on the politics and economy of the Middle East, which will be remodeled, "he added.

Atli added that China has not sent troops or fighters In short, China wants to maintain a presence under Belt and Road Project, it uses the economic presence instead of. a military intervention, "he said, played role in the Middle East

The conference was largely covered by the Chinese press, some experts believing that the promise of loan and aid" could strengthen the China's role in the region. "

Chinese experts also pointed out that considered normal given that China had a Muslim population of 20 million.

Having established close ties with nine Arab countries via" Belt and Road Project ", China would find more" practical "means to current problems in the region, according to Chinese experts. [19659002] Security aspects of Chinese investments

Experts stress that security should be the priority in the region which undergoes clashes and civil wars.

They warned that China's national interests could be threatened Joost Hiltermann, director of the Middle East and North Africa Program for the International Crisis Group, said China has a financial role in the region, while remaining away from political issues

. ] "If their security status [China’s] jeopardizes commercial interests and investment, China, in the end, will have no choice but military intervention." difficult period in which Beijing will make a difficult decision.With some friends, they will also make enemies, "he said.

The Great Chinese Investor in the Middle East

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced Tuesday at a conference that 22 Arab countries pledged to pay more than $ 23 billion. "China and the Arab countries, in the pursuit of modernization, must create a synergy to put in place strategies for progress," said Xi, adding that $ 91 million would go to Syria, Yemen, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon. Xi also stressed that Beijing wants to strengthen cooperation in areas such as renewable energy sources and hydrocarbons. "China wants to join the Arab countries in order to support joint development, to be a supporter of peace and stability and the defense of equality and justice," he said.

* Ali Murat Alhas contributed to this story of Ankara

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