Christian, Israel Love Story Breaking Israel News


O that my words were written; Would they be registered in a recording? Job 19:23 (The Bible of Israel ™)

Thousands of Christian evangelists marched in a parade in the center of Jerusalem, marking the Jewish holiday of Sukkot (Credit: Yonatan Sindel / Flash90) [19659003] Alan Newman, who was the only Jew to attend high school in a small Pennsylvania town in the 1960s, grew up surrounded by Christians and declared Breaking Israel News that he always had "social conscience of what it is to be among Christians, all my good friends were Christians. "

Newman did not experience anti-Semitism when he was a child: he told his neighbors:" They were observing our Pbadover, they came to see us and were going to light Hanukkah candles. Our father died in 1976, the whole town was closed because we were a loved and respected family. "

Today, Newman is a retired banker who spends most of his time pleading for Israel – the miracle of the state's recovery." Israel after 2000 years, cooperation with Christian Zionists support for the sacrifices of solitary soldiers and educational aid of Ethiopian Jews .

Since the writing of a book was on his bucket list, Newman channeled these four pbadions into the creation Good Heart a novel about the relationship between a Jewish family and a Christian family to the states United over three generations and central role that Israel plays in his life.

"It's a love story about Israel. I was trying to tell this story so that [even] an American high school student, Christian or Jewish, could learn something. That's PG-13, "explained Newman.

" That sweeps you away. This is not a historical novel. There is no role here for Tom Cruise or Gal Gadot. They are just ordinary people. [With this book] I can educate and advocate discreetly. [The story] does not seek to be balanced. I wrote about the four things that affect me the most about modern day Israel. "

Newman believes that the book is carried by" the full-bodied affection between the two main characters. Readers can walk with them. The book is a bit like having a conversation with a good friend.

"I think most people are small people, not celebrities, movers and agitators, they want their feelings validated and I think the book is doing it Miracles, the positive aspects of Israel are reflected. "

Newman especially wanted to amplify the stories of ordinary Christians who support Israel. In Good Heart John Langford, patriarch of the fictional Christian family, helped to liberate Dachau, the German concentration camp, in 1945. John's love and respect for Israel were pbaded on to his son Bobby. "The stories and experiences of Christians who see the camps can not be told often enough," said the author.

Newman met Zionist Christians as a result of their plea for Israel. "My involvement and leadership in AIPAC has allowed me to meet Christian Zionists.There are many Christian participants in AIPAC. AIPAC, I met many leaders of CUFI and ICEJ . "

At the local level, he was connecting with Christ Fellowship Church in Palm Beach, Florida. "Many of the Christians who are there and are leaders also participate with AIPAC.If you go to their events, on their stage is an American flag on the left and on the other side is the Israeli flag. It is a heartwarming story of respect and protection of Israel You are coming out of these events with gratitude for their efforts and sincerity. "

Asked about the importance of Jews cooperating with Christians pro-Israel, Newman commented: "Pro-Israel Christian and Jewish cooperation begins with the primacy of our Judaeo Christian Bible Connection and extends to the centrality of Israel to the survival of Western civilization. quote Shakespeare, "we, group of brothers", we Christians and Jews, must remain strong to defend the truth of Israel's legal basis and to help it fulfill its "light for the mission of the nations" "[19] 659008]

Good Heart was warmly received by Christian Zionist leaders, including Susan Michael, American director of the International Christian Embbady in Jerusalem. She said, " Good Heart is a delightful read that introduces Jews and Christians to each other through a very natural and comforting story of two families intertwining with each other and the new State of Israel Although this is a memory trail for some of us, the less familiar reader will learn a lot about Israel and the beauty of Judeo-Christian relations found in this authentic friendship story. "

While recognizing the history of Semitism, Newman is aware that, today," there is a sense of moral justice that came to Christians at this time of year. history, where they want to engage and participate with Israel. "
[19459014 He further states that "Jews must appreciate the justice of Christians who support Israel. How do Jews accept the concept of the importance of the Judeo-Christian alliance that explains why I wrote this book. "

" It's a little book, a little story that inspires people to learn about Israel and respect the relationship between Christian Zionists and Jewish Zionists. Pastor Tony Crisp, Director of Strategic Initiatives for the International Christian Embbady in Jerusalem, said of the book, "He carries our hearts in us and helps Jews and Evangelicals to dispel misunderstandings without" preaching "them.

Newman is happy to organize for organizations that educate about Israel "to get copies of books at a great price. It's my pleasure to donate my profits to these organizations. "He wants the book to be used to gently educate people on the good points of Israel.

" I try to reach Christian and Jewish organizations to use Good Heart [19659005] to satisfy the strategic needs that they have. It's my job full time to find organizations that can use this book, which tells a little story, to help provide some of the education and guidance [that is] needed . "

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