Clashes at the Terror Village on the Temple Mount after an attack


Palestinians violently clashed with Israeli security forces on Friday in the village of Kobar, where the terrorist who perpetrated Adam's stabbed murderer

Some 150 Palestinians threw stones and stones at the security forces, who fought back with mbad dispersal measures and arrested four rioters.

Clashes in Kobar (Photo: AFP) “/>

Clashes in Kobar (Photo: AFP)

  Clashes in Kobar (Photo: AFP)

Clashes in Kobar (Photo: AFP)

Mohammad Tareq Yousef, 17, stabbed three Israelis in the Colony of Adam on Thursday night. One of his victims, Yotam Ovadia, father of two 31 year old children, was fatally injured.
The other two victims were in a mild and moderate state. Yousef was shot dead by his third victim.

Israeli forces went to the village on Friday to interrogate Tareq Yousef's family and revoke their permit to enter Israel.

 Clashes in Kobar (Photo: AFP)

Clashes in Kobar (Photo: AFP)

  Clashes in Kobar (Photo: Reuters)

Clashes in Kobar [19659007] (Photo: : Reuters)

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot visited the site on Friday with GOC Central Command Commander General Nadav Padan, commander of the Judea and Samaria Division. General Era Niv and Brigade Commander Binyamin, Colonel Sharon Asman.

 Clashes in Kobar

Clashes in Kobar (Photo: Reuters)

In Jerusalem, tensions were high after Friday prayers on the Temple Mount. Masked youths started throwing stones and throwing fireworks directly at the Israeli police force, causing the police to storm the holy site, clean it and close its doors.

Clashes on the Temple Mount

"Police entered the Temple Mount compound and began evacuating the site. During the rioters' dispersal, the police arrested a number of suspects". .

A policeman was slightly injured in the eye during the clashes.

He added that the police were still trying to arrest a number of suspects who had fled to the Al-Aqsa Mosque inside the compound.

The Waqf, the religious authority that runs the mosque, confirmed that the gates were closed after the beginning of the unrest.

Any entrance and exit of the mosque, which is the third most sacred site of Islam, has been prevented, said an AFP photographer.

The Waqf published videos showing police firing tear gas at Palestinians inside the compound of the mosque, which also includes the Dome of the Rock.

Muslims are now called to hold evening prayers outside the Temple Mount gates to protest the closing of the holy place.

Yoav Zitun, Elior Levy, Yishai Porat, Elisha Ben Kimon, Hbadan Shaalan and AFP contributed to this report.

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