Code Red alert sounded in Gaza border communities


A Red Code Alert sounded at 11:17 pm on Wednesday across the Eshkol and Merhavim Regional Councils, which were followed by explosive sounds.



At least one rocket exploded in an open area in the eastern part of the Eshkol regional council. No casualties were reported.


IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said the incident is being investigated.


File photo (Photo: Reuters)

File photo (Photo: Reuters)


Earlier, An Israeli Air Force aircraft attacked a Hamas observation post east to Rafah in the Gaza Strip.


IDF spokesman said that the IAF attack took place due to incendiary balloons being launched from the post.


In addition, two Palestinians crossed the Gaza border into Israel. They returned back to the strip shortly back.


IDF forces searched the area, and ruled out infiltrations into Israel.


Nine fires sparked throughout the day across the Gaza border communities amid incendiary balloons sent from Gaza.


Speaking at the change of command ceremony in the Gaza Division, GOC Southern Command Maj. Gen. Herzi Halevi stated Hamas is “deterred,”
but is still “looking under and above ground for ways to harm Israel.”


Photo: Change of command ceremony  (Photo: Yoav Zitun)

Photo: Change of command ceremony (Photo: Yoav Zitun)


Halevi met with the local authorities’ heads of the Gaza border communities, as tensions rise along the Gaza border.


He added that “the gates of Gaza are heavy. We’re in a complex time… patience and ploys are required.”


Concluding his time in the role, outgoing Gaza Division Commander Brig. Gen. Yehuda Fuchs said the “underground fighting was the most challenging task I’ve encountered in my life,” promising that the underground obstacle being built along the border “will significantly improve the security of the area’s residents. “


Last week, a rocket fired from Gaza
landed on a Be’er Sheva home while another landed in the sea off the shores of a city in central Israel early Wednesday morning, prompting an IAF retaliatory attack
in the strip.


The rocket attack came a day before Kamel Abbas, the head of Egyptian intelligence, is due to arrive in Israel to discuss the ceasefire talks with Hamas.


After the early morning rockets, Hamas and Islamic Jihad released a joint statement in which they said they “oppose rocket fire that hurts the efforts to lift the siege.”


The rocket alert siren went off at 3:39am in Be’er Sheva and surrounding communities in the Negev region, following which a rocket hit a house, breaking through two floors of concrete.


Seven people were treated for shock after the attack, including a 39-year-old mother and her three children aged 9, 10, and 12, who were in the house when it was hit. In addition, three people were taken to the Soroka Medical Center in the city suffering from light bruising sustained when falling as they were running for shelter.


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