Colbert and Kimmel know the reason for Trump's betrayal [Video]


= canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content = " After Donald Trump widely criticized meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki late at night Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert [19659002] had a lot to say: Trump spoke very loudly about Putin and the Russian government, and the hosts of the night shared the suspicion that it might have something to do with a certain video . data-reactid = "29"> After Donald Trump widely criticized meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, late at night Jimmy Kimmel [19659002] and Stephen Colbert has a lot to say. Trump spoke very loudly about Putin and the Russian government, and late night hosts shared the suspicion that it might have something to do with a certain video

<p clbad = "web-atom – text Mo (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" More from Jimmy Kimmel Live the host noticed that Trump winked at Putin just before the press conference Kimel joked, "It's the" Thank you for keeping this band between us guys. "" "data-reactid = "30"> More Jimmy Kimmel Live The moderator noticed that Trump had made a wink at Putin just before the press conference. Kimel joked, "It's the # Thank you for keeping this band between us guys."

<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) –sm" type = "text" content = " The FBI CIA, Department of Justice, House Speaker Paul Ryan, even the director of the National Intelligence Chairman agreed that R ussie s & rsquo; is mingled with the election of 2016. Trump however chose to side with Putin instead of his own country "data-reactid =" 31 "> The ] FBI [19659009] CIA, Department of Justice, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, even the Director of National Intelligence of the President agreed that R ussia mingled with the elections of 2016. Trump, however, chose to side with Putin instead of his own country.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " A journalist came to the right Putin simply answered the question with a laugh: "The last show Colbert interpreted laughter as meaning," Does the Russian government have any compromising documents about President Trump or his family? "I'm sorry, I just remembered the funny video that I saw from Mr. Trump, I do not mean what it was, but it was piss-pee. "" data -reactid = "32"> A journalist came out immediately and asked Putin: "Does the Russian government have any compromising documents about President Trump or his family?" Putin simply answered the question. question laughing. Later The Late Show Colbert interprets laughter as meaning: "I'm sorry, I just remembered the funny video I saw on Mr. Trump. I do not mean what it was, but it was pee-pee tape. "

<p clbad =" canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em "- sm" type = "text" content = " Kimmel could not be more agree with Colbert's conclusion, saying, "If you wonder if Vladimir Putin has an incriminating video of Donald Trump, we" "data-reactid =" 33 "> Kimmel does could be more in agreement with Colbert's conclusion, saying: "If you wonder if Vladimir Putin has a compromising video of Donald Trump, we now know beyond a betrayal doubt that he does. "

<p clbad =" canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" The late show with Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel Live air evenings at 23:35 on their respective channels, CBS and ABC. "data-reactid =" 34 "> The late show with Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel Live air evenings at 11:35 pm on their respective channels, CBS and ABC.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " Look like Sean Hannity praises Trump while Trump praises Putin: "data-reactid =" 35 "> Watch as Sean Hannity praises Trump while Trump praises Putin:

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<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " Tell us what you think! Hit us on Twitter Facebook or Instagram or leave your comments below our host, Kylie Mar, the Twitter Facebook or Instagram . "data-reactive =" 45 "> Tell us what you think about it Hit us on Twitter Facebook or Instagram or leave your comments below and see our host, Kylie Mar, on Twitter Facebook or Instagram "

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