Congress destroys Northrop Grumman's CEO for stupid mistakes on the James Webb Space Telescope – BGR


The James Webb Space Telescope is progressing well. I laugh! It's actually a total disaster of epic proportions that has exceeded its proposed budgets so many times that it's laughable. The project was originally scheduled to end with a planned launch for 2007 and a price of about $ 500 million. It is now (barely) on the right track for a launch of 2021 with a total cost of nearly 10 billion billion .

This is largely thanks to Northrop Grumman, the company that builds the thing. The company has repeatedly fallen short of expectations and caused balloon construction in the cost with countless delays and missteps. Northrop Grumman's CEO, Wes Bush, just had to defend the absolutely unacceptable performance of his business before a congressional committee, and the boy was a bloodbath.

Bush was asked, among other things, how the project could have been so far. He admitted that his company had done something wrong, but he did not really have a choice after an independent report put the blame on a long list of stupid human errors committed by them. Northrop Grumman engineers. Some of these errors included leaving loose bolts and using the wrong type of solvent on the critical parts of the spacecraft.

Yes, the company that is paid billions of dollars to build NASA's next big telescope can not even squeeze a bolt.

Congressmen grilled Bush to find out if one of his company's employees had lost his job because of absurd "mistakes" that Bush admitted had not been left behind. go. Bush also failed to provide profit figures for his company, stating that he just did not know them but that it was "a very large number". I mean, yes, when you bleed the US space program for billions of dollars I'm probably going very well in the profits department.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, from California, did not hesitate to address the CEO saying, "This, of course, is very troubling. It's about the biggest job I've ever seen, and taxpayers do not care about it here. "He was not the only one who had tough words for Bush." ​​

When asked if Northrop Grumman would absorb the costs for his last round of mistakes, totaling about $ 800 million, Bush has stated that such a measure would "significantly impede and interfere with the relationship between NASA and Northrop Grumman," and that it would be "the wrong approach."

Lamar Smith, the Republican Chairman of the committee, fired. told Bush that paying for one's own mistakes "would be justified given poor performance and mismanagement." "I only wish Northrop Grumman to accept his responsibilities and show a little more good faith, the taxpayer and for cost overruns. "

Good luck with that.

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