Deceased writer Vladimir Voinovich | Koz's weather


  Умер писатель Владимир Войнович
  Умер писатель Владимир Войнович

Late in the evening on Friday, July 27, in Moscow at the age of 85 the heart attack died, the writer Vladimir Voinovich.

In May this year, Voinovich spoke in Israel. Then his interview with the correspondent he finished with the words: "I am old, and I have short plans to finish nedopisan to finish.And to escape life, not ashamed to live. "

Vladimir Voinovich. Brief biography

Born on September 26, 1932 in Stalinabad (Tajikistan RSS, USSR) into a family of journalists. In 1936, the father was arrested after his release, he fought at the front, was injured and remained disabled. Mother worked with her father. According to Voinovich, his father belonged to a noble Serb family, his mother belonged to a Jewish family.

After many relocations related to the arrest, evacuation and demobilization of the father, he graduated from a vocational school. studied at the aeroclub, skydiving. In 1951, he was enlisted to serve in the army, first served at Dzhankoy, and then until 1955 in the aviation industry in Poland. During military service he wrote poems to the Army Journal.

In 1951 the family moved to Kerch. Vladimir after his release in November 1955, he installed his parents, graduated from the tenth year of high school.

At the beginning of August 1956, arrived in Moscow, was twice in college, studied for a year and a half at the Faculty of Pedagogical Institute named Krupskaya, went to the virgin lands in Kazakhstan, where he wrote his first works in prose.

In 1960 took a job as editor at a radio station. Written briefly in his poems, the song "Fourteen minutes before the beginning" became a favorite song of the Soviet cosmonauts (in fact, their anthem). Has been the author of more than 40 songs.

The publication of the story "We live here" in the "New World" (1961) contributed to the construction of the fame of the writer. This followed with the increase in the popularity of the proposal to print the poems in national magazines Voinovich refused, wanting to focus on prose. In 1964, he participates in the collective writing of a detective novel, "he laughs better who laughs", published in the newspaper "Week".

The novel "Extraordinary Life and Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin", written in 1963, went samizdat. The first part was published (without the authorization of the author) in 1969 in Frankfurt am Main and in 1975 in Paris

. In the late 1960s, Voinovich took an active part in the movement for human rights. caused a conflict with the authorities. For his activities in favor of human rights and a satirical description of the Soviet reality, the writer was subjected to persecution: for him, the monitoring of the KGB in 1974 was expelled from the country. Union of Writers of the USSR. Was accepted as a member of the PEN club in France

In 1975, after the publication of "Chonkin" abroad, Voinovich called for an interrogation by the KGB, proposed to be published in USSR. In addition, to discuss the terms of lifting the prohibition of the publication of individual works, he was invited to the second meeting – this time in room 408 of the hotel "Metropol". There, the writer was poisoned with a psychotropic drug that had serious consequences after so long he felt bad and this affected his work on following "Chonkin". After the incident, Voinovich wrote an open letter to Andropov, the number of addresses in the foreign media and later described this episode in the story "Case No. 34840".

In December 1980, Voinovich was expelled from the USSR, and in 1981 by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR deprived Soviet citizenship.

In 1980-1992, he lived in Germany and the United States. Collaborated with the radio station "Freedom".

In 1990, Voinovich was returned to Soviet citizenship, and he returned to the USSR. He wrote his own version of the text of the new Russian national anthem with a very ironic content. In 2001, he signed a letter in defense of NTV. In a letter of 2003 against the war in Chechnya

In February 2015 wrote an open letter to the Russian President with a request for the release of Nadiya Savchenko. In October of the same year, on the occasion of the birthday of Putin, said that Putin is "crazy" and that he should be held responsible for their crimes. In 2018, he signs a letter of support to Oleg Sentsov

He studies painting, the first solo exhibition inaugurated on November 5, 1996 at the Muscovite gallery "Asti".

He lives in his house near Moscow. He was a member of the Russian club PEN.

During his long life, Voinovich wrote many literary works, and published dozens of books. Great works Voinovich: "Degree of confidence" (the story of Vera Figner); the Trilogy on the soldier Ivan Chonkin "The Life and the extraordinary adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkin" (1969-1975), "the Pretender to the throne" (1979), "Displaced person" (2007); "Moscow 2042" (1986), the tale "Cap" (1987), "The monumental propaganda" (2000), "a portrait against a background of myth" (a book dedicated to Alexander Solzhenitsyn and folded on the myths, 2002), "self-portrait, the novel of my life" (autobiographical novel, 2010).

He died on July 27, 2018 at the age of 85 years of a heart attack.

About love with Gus and anti-Semites. Vladimir Voinovich answers children's questions

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