Democrats, Main Stream Media Politicization, embrace of Anti-Semitism


WASHINGTON: In the wake of the recent Anti-Semitism attack on the Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue, we, have a nation, are hurt. This is one of the most recent events in the world. But also the nature and antipathy towards the Jewish people in America and abroad. While these events grip our nation, it is the duty of a voice in the public sphere, and even those without a condemnation it unequivocally, and place sole blame on the perpetrator.

Do liberal attacks on Israel and the President for his support of Israel, add to a national disdain for the Jewish people.

For years this norm had been followed. The best example being after 9/11. The country, both Democrats and United Republicans united for one purpose, healing America. Present day, 2018, vile attacks continues, but politicians, media, academia, and so many others react to these awful happenings.

The media has one job and one job only. That is to report the facts. Reporting facts, no opinion, has been the norm for the media since their inception. Unfortunately, this norm has gone swirling down the drain.

This most recent attack on the Jewish people is a perfect example of the press failing in their duty to the American people.

"Trump's America is not safe for Jews," says Dana Milbank in the Washington Post.
"The President is obviously a racist, he obviously condones anti-Semitism," says John Heilemann on MSNBC. This rhetoric is not only false, but it is dangerous.
President Trump – a friend to Israel and Jews in America

President Trump has done for the Jewish people. The first and most glaring example is moving the Israeli embbady to Jerusalem. For years upon years, Presidential candidates had promised to move the embbady, ​​yet nothing ever happened.

"There are those who wish to destroy the Jewish people, we will instead destroy them." – President Donald J. Trump

That's not until President Trump came into the White House.

Anti-Semitism, Linda Sarsour, Louis Farrakhan, Tree of Life, Media, Democrats, Moshe Maryles,

Mike Pence speaking at an Israeli embbady event on May 14, 2018, in Washington, DC. (Screen capture: Facebook)

Vice President Mike Pence gave the keynote address to the Israeli embbady's DC gathering. In it, he praised Trump for bringing the US and Israel "closer together in a year than any president in the past 70 years" and for being "the greatest defender of the Oval Office."

His unequivocal backing and support of the Jewish people and the only Jewish state in the world can not and should not be unnoticed.

Next, his daughter Ivanka, his-in-law Jared and the President's grandchildren are all Jewish. It would be quite hard for the President to be Anti-Semitic with much of his immediate family being Jewish.

Not only has he been amazing for the state of Israel, but he was deported to Nazi living in New York back home, something that Barack Obama could have done. Not because the ailing Nazi was a threat, but he did not want to live in America.

Why is President Trump called an Anti-Semite, when he is obviously not

So, with all of this, more than a whole lot of good things for the Jewish people, why is it being called an Anti-Semite. Simply put, its politics at its worst, or some would say at its best. With the midterms only a week away, the Democrats and their complicity media feel so-called "blue wave" slipping away and slipping away fast. When one is desperate the Democrats

Which is precisely where we are now.

Democrats and the Main Stream Media is well known to the President and is not racist or anti-Semitic, but their followers do not. They listen, believe and parrot the views of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Elizabeth Warren. Democrat Voters believe that they are being fed by CNN, The Washington Post, and the New York Times.

It happens to be today's garbage media Trump is an anti-Semite. (A Third Of Americans Say Trump Is Anti-Semitic)

Democrats Bedfellows: Anti Semites Louis Farrakhan and Linda Sarsour

There is another factor at play here as well. The Democrat party has embraced what they are accusing President Trump of. They have embraced Anti-Semites such as Louis Farrakhan and Linda Sarsour. Pictures of Louis Farrakhan with several Democratic politicians, including our President Barack Obama, exist.

Linda Sarsour has been prominent voice on the left. She is the leader of the Democrat's feminist movement. Sarsour is embraced by Democrats such as Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren. Sarsour campaigns to bring anti Semetic Sharia law to the US.

Anti-Semites They also espouse anti-Israel and Pro-Palestinian rhetoric as well.

The Left's hateful response to the US Embbady to Jerusalem

When President Trump announced his decision to relocate to the US Embbady to Jerusalem, you would think it was a warm day.

Quite the opposite occurred. Democratic Republic of the World, saying:

"As with everything else Donald Trump does not have much to do in the Middle East." (After no-shows in Jerusalem, Democrats also absent from Israeli Embbady DC party)

Donald Trump blames Donald Trump, an anti-Semitic criticism of an anti-Semitic, Trump hating lunatic murders eleven Jews. In the wake of these attacks rhetoric from everyone should be concerned with one thing and one thing only, healing.

In a forceful message, President Trump says,

"There are those who wish to destroy the Jewish people, we will instead destroy them."

I guess the left is about destroyed.Tree of LIfe, Anti-Semitism, Linda Sarsour, Louis Farrakhan, President Trump, Moshe Maryles

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