Demolition notices served at school, 3 structures – IMEMC News


Israeli authorities handed demolition notices to a school and three homes in the Masafer Yatta area, in the southern Hebron hills, in the occupied West Bank district of Hebron.

Rateb al-Jbour, coordinator of a local settlement against the Israeli apartheid wall, announced that Israeli forces had stormed the steel-built Khillet al-Dabe school, the school and its 12 students to evacuate.

Al-Jbour added that Israeli forces then handed the school staff a notice of demolition for the school.

The Ma'an News Agency notes that the Palestinian Ministry of Education has just opened the school last month.

Israeli soldiers also broke into the Khirbet al-Mufaqara area, also in Masafer Yatta, and sent demolition notices to three residential buildings.

Al-Jbour identified the owners of the following structures: Numan Shihadeh Hamamda, Hussein Ahmad Hamamda and Adli Hamamda.

Israeli forces also delivered a demolition notice to the owner of a room adjacent to a cave in the Khirbet Sarura area, home to local and international activists opposed to settlement.

The southern hills of Hebron, known locally as Masafer Yatta, are almost entirely in Area C, the 62% of the West Bank completely under Israeli civilian and security control since the 1993 Oslo Accords.

According to the Institute for Applied Research – Jerusalem (ARIJ), about 3,000 Israeli settlers live in illegal Jewish settlements in the Yatta region alone.

The inhabitants of Masafer Yatta were expelled at the time of the creation of a shooting area in the 1970s, and were finally allowed to return after a long court battle. They are now constantly threatened with being deported or seeing their homes demolished.


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