Dennis Rodman plans to invite Kanye West to visit North Korea


Dennis Rodman, retired NBA legend, announced that he planned to invite Kanye West with him the next time he would visit North Korea.

Rodman, who has been to North Korea several times and has an improbable friendship with Kim Jong-un, has even suggested that the rapper can make an album about it.

"I will invite him the next time I go to North Korea. If the door is open in September, I'll invite Kanye West to come with me to North Korea, "Rodman told Us Weekly on Tuesday.

" If he wants to make an album about it, he will be there for six or seven days, and he will see what happens. Now, go make a song about it.

Rodman's invitation came after Kanye recently congratulated the former NBA star on Twitter, saying that it was one of his "greatest inspirations" ".

"Thanks to one of my greatest inspirations … to have always broken the barriers with an independent thought," tweeted Kanye next to a photo of a Chicago Bulls jersey that Rodman personally signed for the rapper.

"You know, I do not do Instagram and stuff like that, my kids do it, I just know my agent called me and said," Dennis, Kanye West gave a hand up, "I told him" OK, super, "Rodman told the magazine

" I think it's is a big fan of the Chicago Bulls, I think he respects me as much as understand my views.And Kanye, he does an amazing job all over the world so i respect him too. someday we will meet and collaborate on some things. "

Rodman sent the jersey to Kanye after they found themselves in Chicago – from where the rapper comes – at one time. Black Lives Matter gathering in Washington DC in March 19659002] They posed for a photo together at that time, which Rodman then tweeted

The two also publicly showed their support for President Donald Trump. [19659002] Rod Man is one of the few westerners to have spent time with Kim Jong-un during multiple visits to Pyongyang. The two started an improbable friendship about their common love of basketball.

He has already suggested that he helped lay at least the foundations of the summit between Trump and Kim in June.

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