Disabled protesters block the Tel Aviv-Haifa train line for more than one hour


About 20 protesters from the "Disabled Panthers" group blocked railroad tracks in the Rishpon area, stopping Tuesday the train movement between Tel Aviv and Haifa for an hour and a half.

Persons with disabilities receive a basic allowance of 3,270 NIS per month and, by January 2021, their allocation will increase to 3,700 NIS under a law approved by the Knesset.
half a year ago.

Protesters demand that the allowance be equal to the minimum wage, which is currently 5,300 NIS.

   (Photo: Disabled Panther)

(Photo: Disabled Panther)

"I have worked all my life with all the diseases that I have and with three types of cancer and I have 39 I paid the National Insurance Institute Today, I get 2,833 NIS, and with that I am supposed to live, "said Tzeira Nachmias, one of the protesters. "No more, we will not accept the crumbs, we will slaughter this vicious government."

"It's the kickoff," said another protester. "This morning, we have launched the summer events and we invite everyone to join us: two million citizens live below the poverty line, and that will end, we will force this government to take action. kneel until he understands. "

   (Photo: Disabled Panthers)

(Photo: Disabled Panthers)

But not all groups of people with disabilities support the new protest. Alex Friedman, the head of the group "Disabled, Not Half a Person," said that "the protesters have derailed: the demand for disability benefits as high as the minimum wage is right, and we understand the desperation growing up of some protest groups, but next to that, a protest, just as it may be, must not endanger lives. "

King Rubinstein and Raanan Ben Zur contributed to this story.

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