Discovery Gate in Galilee by which King David could have walked


Israeli archaeologists discovered an artifact at the Bethsaida excavation site that could identify the location as the city where King David courted the future Maachah wife

By: World Israel News Staff

As the 2018 season of the Bethsaida excavation project Archaeologists have announced a unique discovery dating back to the 10th century BC

The discovery consists of a city gate that may have served as a gateway to the city. King David's entry to the Bible when he arrived at the city of Tzer to collect a wife called Maachah.

Maachah was David's wife and bore King Absalom, who escaped to the ancestral kingdom of his mother, Geshur, after murdering his half-brother Amnon. Later in the Bible, the daughter of Absalom marries the son of Solomon, Rehoboam, king of Judah.

According to the director of the excavations, Professor Rami Arav, the 3-meter-high door is the largest and best-preserved door in Israel. Times of Israel .

The door was used in the eleventh and tenth centuries, after which the colony was devastated, remaining dormant until the establishment of a later Aramaic colony.

According to Arav, Bethsaida may have also been the site of a city called Tzer, which is mentioned once in the book of Joshua. Bethsaida is also a key place in Christian texts and history.

The Bethsaida Valley Nature Reserve was the site of major excavations conducted by Arav, who worked on the site for more than 30 years. To date, the site has produced finds such as the remains of a 3500-year-old settlement, a Hellenistic community, and a Roman temple.

In addition, the site also houses the remains of an Hasmonean- and the Jewish community of the Herodian era, a colony of the Mamluk period and a village of Ottoma times.

BethsaidaBiblical ArcheologySea of ​​Galilee

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