Do not worry, they just fly kites


We can understand why Israel does not want to engage in another confrontation and it is a good thing that this is not the case. Another confrontation will lead to the predetermined stadiums launched on southern and central areas of Israel, destruction in the Gaza Strip, numerous deaths and countless demonstrations around the world against "war crimes". # 39; Israel. "

In the past, international pressure on the streets and in the media forced Israel to accept a ceasefire. The goal of eliminating Hamas infrastructure has not been achieved, but Israel has been described as a country that commits war crimes. The same thing will happen next time. So why?

  Palestinian incendiary kite (Photo: AFP)

Palestinian incendiary kite (Photo: AFP)

Presumably this is one of the reasons why Israel announced Tuesday the closure, at least partially, Kerem Shalom border crossing.

This is the easiest and most available thing to do. But it is also the worst thing to do. Does anyone there think that kite throwers or their throwers will be scared or dissuaded? Do they think the goal of the launchers was to end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza? There are already countless reports on the crisis, with fingers pointing to Israel more than to Hamas. It's annoying, but it's where we are. Hamas defeats Israel in the propaganda war. And what is Israel doing? This gives Hamas more propaganda weapons.

Tuesday, immediately after the Israeli announcement, Hamas issued a statement on "the silence of the world in light of Israel's war crimes". Not that it has never been hard to blame Israel, but yesterday it was a lot easier.

  Incendiary Kites in the Gaza Strip

Incendiary Kites in the Gaza Strip

You have already received phone calls from news agencies around the world. They all want an explanation. I'm sorry, but I do not have a good explanation. After all, the Palestinians, they say, are only flying kites, and Israel, the eighth most powerful country in the world, according to the report and rankings of 2018 Best Countries published this week, weighs heavily on the locals from Gaza.

Hamas sends greetings. That's what he wanted. That's what he had. And that's where the problem lies. Instead of taking another measure that has only negligible effects – the arson will continue – a dramatic offer could have been made to the people of Gaza and Hamas: prosperity for demilitarization. Everything, including a seaport, the lifting of the blockade of the Gaza Strip (and those who want it can also throw a car for every worker), in exchange for the demilitarization of the welfare, labor and security industries. Education of Gaza. tunnels, and the industries of death.

  Arson balloon (Photo: AFP)

Arson balloon (Photo: AFP)

It was possible, if not necessary, to recruit the European Union (which had already raised similar idea) and the UN secretary-general to promote such an Israeli initiative without having to wait for Trump's peace initiative.

It is true that the Hamas supporters of the leftwing global coalition of jihad would continue to demonstrate against Israel, but many others would understand that Hamas is the problem. If we think that the international public opinion will understand that, we are mistaken.

And no, this is not a futile proposition, since if Hamas says yes, Israel will benefit. And if Hamas says no, Israel will benefit again.

But conceptual deafness governs the Israeli leadership in general, and Netanyahu in particular. His prudence can be understood. He does not want any other confrontation. His head is on the northern front facing Iran. But Hamas is leading us to an armed conflict, perhaps with the advice of Tehran.

Instead of getting support for the next confrontation, Israel is doing everything in its power to ensure that the next confrontation will resemble the previous destruction and international hostility. And so, the time has come for an Israeli initiative. Instead, we took a self-destructive measure.

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