Do you really want Haredim in the army?


Ultra-Orthodox deputies vehemently opposed the IDF draft law on Monday evening as the Knesset prepared to vote on first reading legislation.

"Do you really want the Haredim in the army?" Torah Judaism MP Yisrael Eichler wondered aloud.

He determined that the Knesset had "no moral right to sanction Torah students" Imagine someone sanctioned for students who do not adhere to a certain system of values, where do you have the nerve to do it? reactor here dismantling of society. "

  MK Yisrael Eichler (Photo: Knesset Channel)

MK Yisrael Eichler (Photo: Knesset Channel)

Instead of compulsory military service, Eichler proposed "to establish a professional army". in which whoever chooses to enlist will be appreciated and paid properly. "

Israel's defense service law expires in September after the High Court ruled it unconstitutional, and the Knesset must adopt an alternative law by that date.

  Coalition President David Amsalem, right, talks with UTJ MP Moshe Gafni (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

Coalition President David Amsalem talks with MP Moshe Gafni (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

If a new law is not pbaded to regulate the exemptions of ultra-Orthodox yeshivas students, tens of thousands of them should receive draft orders from the IDF.

The proposed legislation provides for budget cuts in the budgets of yeshivot and the use of economic incentives to put pressure on Torah study institutions in order to encourage the government. enlistment, but no criminal penalties.

  Haredim watches the Knesset public gallery debate (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

Haredim watches the Knesset public gallery discussion (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

Enlistment The goals, as stated in the proposal, are that 3,000 yeshiva students will be recruited in the first stage and 600 will be volunteers for the national service. The plan will benefit from an adjustment period of two years, during which sanctions will not be imposed if the yeshivot fail to meet the preliminary rates. The third year yeshivot who do not encourage enlistment will be hit with economic sanctions if they fall below a target of 95%.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman threatened to resign from the coalition if the IDF bill was pbaded.

"No one thinks or dreams that if (MK Yair) Lapid supports this bill, we will support it as well," Knesset Litzman, who heads the Hasidic faction Agudat Yisrael in United Judaism, told the Knesset.

  Deputy Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

Deputy Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

"We must come to a situation in which anyone who wants to study at a yeshiva can have an arrangement that allows him to continue studying without interruption, and that is why we will vote against the law," he said. he explains.

Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan (Bayit Yehudi) explained to "those who incite against this law": "We do not intend to enter the yeshivot and take students out of the Torah.Learning Torah is his work will continue to study the Torah, but those who have stopped studying will enlist, this situation of non-enlistment for decades can not continue. "

   (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

(Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

Yesh Eid MK Yair Lapid, who is in opposition but still should vote in favor of the legislation, He pointed out the Haredis' protests against legislation being held in Jerusalem while the Knesset was in session.

"As we sit here, the Haredi revolt across Jerusalem, and they understand that more Haredim will have to enlist and join the labor market," he said.

  MK Yair Lapid (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

MK Yair Lapid (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

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