"Earthquakes are an attempt to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque"


Maal Zakarna, a columnist for Jordan's newspaper Ad-Dustour baderted a few days ago that Israel had provoked recent earthquakes by testing nuclear weapons or a new type of nuclear weapon. weapon underground. The earthquakes it produces are quite unique so seismologists can differentiate nuclear tests from earthquakes for decades.

MEMRI reports that according to Zakarna, these "experiences" are part of Israel's attempt to provoke a man. earthquake-made to collapse the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

"The earthquakes concentrated especially on the Kinneret region (Sea of ​​Galilee – ed.) And its environment and measured around 4 on the Richter scale", wrote Zakarna in his article. "This raises the question of what caused these earthquakes, their timing and location, perhaps that they were caused by experimental explosions conducted by the army of occupation. Israel at a certain depth under the Kinneret, new weapons, such as smaller nuclear bombs that have limited influence, or a conventional weapon designed to be used against regional armies, which the occupying state considers … constitute a new type of threat. "

" It may be that the actions prepare a major criminal action against occupied Jerusalem sites that are holy for Islam and Christianity, and in particular against the Al-Qaeda Mosque. Aqsa, the Dome of the Rock, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, while [at the same time] "We can not trust the Israeli occupation because it acts, plans and plots, and that at the end of the day "he added," roys "- to achieve political, geographical and biblical goals. He does not hesitate to use technology, knowledge and science in his hands to carry out his planned expansion, while blaming nature and natural causes. Nor is he ashamed to seek help from other countries in the region and the world to cover his crimes and to carry out his Judaization plans at their expense.

"The other thing that raises the suspicion that the occupation He contributed to the creation of these earthquakes because he did nothing and did not took no preparatory or warning measures to deal with the great earthquake that his own geological experts claimed to have occurred after the small earthquakes, and he continued to watch the public's reactions, until He understood that his misdeed had been discovered and no one had fallen on him. So, they stopped the experiments. "

Israel and Jordan are both sitting on the Syrian-African divide. slip fault that is geologists believe produce a major earthquake each century or more. While geologists agree that Israel must prepare for a major earthquake that could strike at any moment, they are divided on whether newer earthquakes are a sign of of a major earthquake to come. Councilman in Washington, DC, suggested on Facebook that wealthy Jews who control the weather have caused an unexpected snowstorm.

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