"Ehud Barak only has demagoguery and lies".


  Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak meets Labor Party activists. Tel Aviv, January 29, 201

Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak meets Labor Party activists. Tel Aviv, January 29, 201

Kobi Richter / TPS

Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak reiterates his criticisms of the current Israeli government and its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, every few weeks. On Tuesday night, Barak chose the Eretz Yisrael Museum in Tel Aviv as the last place for his accusations that the Netanyahu government would drive Israel towards the end of its existence as a Jewish and democratic state.

Tourism Minister Yariv Levin fired the former prime minister Barak's warnings are pure. In an interview with Arutz Sheva, Levin stated that "Barak, who failed in his position, turned himself into an observer at the door, full of ideas and advice that if we do not know we will reach very bad places "

" With Barak, the distinction between darkness and light is apparently very problematic: when he was elected prime minister, he declared that 39, was the dawn of a new day, but that day has turned out to be a darkness of terror. "Today, we are about to enact the law on the nationality, strengthen colonization, strengthen Israel's status and strengthen the economic power of Israel, and it presents this as bleak. During his speech Tuesday night, Barak accused Coalition leaders of pursuing "a single Jewish-messianic state and a Muslim majority of citizens and subjects demanding the destruction of foundations and institutions."

The Minister of Tourism replied that when there are no real arguments, slogans, lies, half-truths and distorted descriptions of reality are used in their place. "We want the heritage of our ancestors not to be abandoned by others, certainly not by those who want to expel us from the country, and therefore that goal, that they have left has lost faith in the justice of the path and the ability To achieve the results, it is impossible in the eyes of the left, whereas I think that it is not only possible, but that we are also approaching its implementation. "[19659005] "When we look at what is happening in the country, it is the first time since we seek to discover that the largest Jewish community in the world is in the Land of Israel: Jewish population growth, the strengthening of the status of Israel and the transfer of the US embbady as a formative event We see the desire of the whole world to strengthen the ties with Israel and the left should have said & # 39; we were wrong …

Levin noted the words of MP Musi Raz (Meretz) when he submitted a motion of censorship week ". He advised us on Barak's advice on a peace initiative, and he also dared to criticize the government for the situation in the south. When I answered, I was shocked to hear what he had said, because we were told on the left that after expelling the Jews from Gush Katif and northern Samaria and handed the land of the homeland to the Palestinian Authority in search of peace, we should receive peace and prosperity. But here we suffer from what we have warned, endless terrorism. "

" Therefore, I believe that the realization of the Zionist vision toward which we strive and advance, and also in the security reality, is the great light and darkness is in positions that are contrary to justice and reality, positions held by the left. "

According to Levin, Barak's main motive is the desire to return to the public arena, which is closely related to ideological positions – the blatant manner in which things are said and the images and the will of the people. away from reality to get a title are the result of Barak reminding us that there is, and next to this question is the belief of himself and others in the left camp that despite all this that has happened to this day, they still believe that if we only expel the Jews and open the doors of the country to every infiltrated and non-Jewish immigrant, we will be a moral nation whose future is guaranteed and we have tried to neutralize the harsh tone of Barak's words and ask Minister Levin to respond to the concerns expressed in his remarks about the demographic threat that there is no divorce, as Barak says., Palestinian Arabs These threats of & # 39; a Muslim majority have been heard for decades and have been used by the left as an excuse to abandon parts of the homeland and escape, but the reality is the opposite: the number of Jews is increasing, there is immigration "However, it is difficult to accept the demographic argument of those who supported the desire of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to absorb the Arabs under the name of". a limited return of the refugees, because there is no bigger one »According to Levin, all these things are not" ideology, but pure demagogy ". When arguments are confirmed and that reality proves the opposite of the position of the left, they seek refuge in threats and demographic intimidation. "

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