Emotional debate among Bradford councilors about a controversial anti-Semitic movement


A model on the definition of anti-Semitism in Bradford was adopted by counselors after an emotional debate.

At a Bradford Council meeting Tuesday night, the majority of district councilors voted to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance's definition of anti-Semitism , which the authority will now use to go forward.

Councilors understood that it was important for the authority to oppose racism and prejudice, but the Council leader badured his colleagues that the adoption of the definition would not prevent them from denouncing the Israeli government.

The motion was raised by Councilor Dave Green (Lab, Wibsey), former Chief of Council.

He said, "We are an open and welcoming city, and over the years we have come together in a rich mix of cultures.

"We are facing people from the far right and the extreme left who are trying to divide us.

"It has not always been easy, but defending prejudices is always the right thing to do, if we stop dealing with racism, if we stop arguing for what is right, then we fail in our duty.

"At the national level, there unfortunately seems to be a greater acceptance of racism and intolerance, whether from the left or the right, whether it is Islamophobia or Islamophobia. ; Semitism.

"We must take a stand to stop this, which we have always been proud to do in this city."

He criticized "whataboutism" – diverting criticism by criticizing others, saying that it was often a way for people to justify their racism or their discrimination.

He said "Israel is not the cause of anti-Semitism." Hundreds of years of anti-Semitism led to Israel, people trying to tell you that 39 is the reverse that needs to look at a story book.

"If you were a member of a community that had a recent history of being excluded from the countries, a cultural memory of the Spanish Inquisition, pogroms, to hear lies about the Protocols of the Sages of Zion and the Bloody Libel, and if the six million cultural memory of your community were murdered, you would wish for a safe motherland.

"This wish, however, does not mean that you have the right to violate international law, it is not because you are defying Israel's policies or defending the Palestinians that this would not happen. not against this policy, if that were the case, I would not argue for that. "

He told the committee that he still had a lot of emails on his computer when he agreed to raise the Palestinian flag outside the mayor's office in 2014 to remember Palestinians who had died in conflicts with Israel, many of which were very critical of his decision.

He said he hoped it was the first of many policies adopted by the Council to protect religious, cultural and minority groups in Bradford.

An emotional Cllr Green added: "It was said that it did not matter, that we did not have many Jews or Jewish descendants in Bradford. But if there is only one Jew who suffers, if only one child is abused or threatened, then this council should debate this issue and should protect these people. "

Liberal Democratic Counselor David Ward (Bolton and Undercliffe) was very critical of Israel in the past, and was twice suspended from the party for commenting on Israel.

He said: "The Labor Group has made an all-powerful mess of such an important issue."

He went on to say that the definition of anti-Semitism used by the Labor Group was a definition that was not recognized, and described the motion as a "cynical device to limit freedom of speech." and protect Israel from criticism. "

He said, "It helps people who want to protect Israel and turn their backs on Palestine." He said that true anti-Semitism was "vile" adding "however, it confuses anti-Semitism with criticism. d & # 39; Israel.

"You've all been scammed – I'm not sure who makes the badhole and who is deceived – you have to decide, choose your party or Palestine."

Bradford's deputy chief of council, Imran Khan, had introduced an amendment to the motion, stating that if pbaded, it would still be acceptable to criticize the policy or actions of Israel or its affiliates. to express in favor of Palestine.

He said, "There is no place for anti-Semitism in our community." Accepting this motion will show that the people of Bradford are opposed to hatred and racism. "Do not stop people from criticizing Israel, it's perfectly legitimate, but you should not blame someone in the Jewish community for the actions of the Israeli government."

He spoke of the death of 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces at the opening of the new US embbady this year, stressing that the motion would not prevent people from criticizing such acts.

Councilor Simon Cooke (Cons, Bingley Rural) said, "This motion is important not because it concerns remote places, but in our communities.

"Some Jews do not feel safe when visiting our city.I understand the critics of Israel, but it is Israel, not the Jews …" That does not justify to attack people who think differently from you.

"It is important that we have a strong definition of anti-Semitism in this city.This is not about Gaza and Tel Aviv, we say that we will not tolerate anti-Semitism in Bradford, that we will never forget the lesson of the Holocaust. "

The head of council, Susan Hinchcliffe, reiterated that the motion would not pbad a new law. She explained that this had proved controversial in the perspective of the meeting, and added: "There is nothing radical or terrible about it all." He says people should not call to kill Jews, needless to say, nor should the people accuse Jews of having invented the Holocaust.This motion reiterates that it is wrong to say these things. "Do not stop protests or freedom of expression."

The amended motion was then approved, although the Liberal Democrats voted against it, as did the two Green Councilors, who asked that the review committee discuss it before going to vote.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Council had discussed Islamophobia in the district. Councilor Nazam Azam (Lab, City) welcomed the news that an arrest had been made about the "punish a Muslim" one – day letters sent to a number of families and people. Muslim businesses in Bradford earlier this year.

Last month, a Lincoln man was arrested and charged with 14 offenses, including a murder charge.

In response to Cllr Azam, Cllr Hinchcliffe said: "There is Islamophobia in our society, and it must be attacked locally and nationally".

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