EPS for Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (VPG) Expected at $ 0.42


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Stock Market Trends


July 22, 2018 – By Kyle Williams

Investor sentiment decreased to 1 in the first quarter of 2018. It is down 1.07 from 2.07 in the fourth quarter of 2017. It has fell as 5 investors sold shares in Vishay Precision Group, Inc. while 45 reduced their holdings. 27 funds opened positions while 23 raised issues. 10.20 million shares or 1.51% of less than 10.36 million shares in the fourth quarter of 2017.
Manufacturers Life Insur Communication The Invested 0% in Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG). The limited liability company Needham Inv Ltd reported holding 25,000 shares, or 0.22% of all its holdings. Factations federated Pa accumulated 433 shares. Gru Inc has 6,491 shares. Renaissance Technology Limited Liability Corp. invested 0.02% in Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG). Dr. Shaw & Company invested in 207,513 shares, representing 0.01% of the shares. 22,600 were accumulated by Ohio Strs. Northern reported having 0% of its portfolio in Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG). Pnc Fincl Gp Inc has 71 shares for 0% of their portfolio. In addition, Alliancebernstein L P invested 0% in Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG). Panagora Asset Mngmt has invested 0% in Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG). Rhumbline Advisers owns 14,310 shares. 37,253 are held by Wedge Capital Management L Lp Nc. Shufro Rose And Llc owns 203,513 shares. Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc. reported 0% of its portfolio in Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG).

Since May 11, 2018, there have been no insider purchases and 3 sales for an activity of $ 1.20 million. CLARKE JANET M also sold for $ 30,217 a share of Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG). Analysts expect Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG) to announce $ 0.42 EPS on August 14th. They forecast a change of $ 0.13 per share or 44.83% over EPS of $ 0.29 in the previous quarter. VPG's earnings would be $ 5.65 million, or 24.08 P / E if EPS of $ 0.42 is correct. Analysts at Vishay Precision Group, Inc. have already reported earnings per share of $ 0.37, representing 13.51% growth in earnings per share. The stock rose 5.06% or $ 1.95 over the last trading session, reaching $ 40.45. Approximately 138,274 shares were traded, which is 108.12% above average. Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG) has grown by 100.00% since July 22, 2017 and is up. It outperformed the S & P500 by 87.43%.

Vishay Precision Group, Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets sensors, sensor measurement systems, specialty resistors, and strain gages in Asia, the United States, Israel, and Europe. and Canada. The company has a market capitalization of $ 544.20 million. It operates through three divisions: Foil Technology Products, Force Sensors, and Weighing and Control Systems. It has a P / E ratio of 31.43. The company's products include resistors, gauges, transducers, sensors, weigh modules, data acquisition systems, weighing and control systems, PhotoStress products and sensors converting inputs. Mechanical electronic signal for display, processing, interpretation or control.

Another recent and important article by Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG) was published by Twst.com which published an article titled: "Vishay Precision Group Inc .: The Vishay Precision Group Announces the Date for The Second Quarter Fiscal 2007 Conference Call "July 18, 2018.

 Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE: VPG) Table of Institutional Positions

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