EU urged to exclude Israel from research fund | News from Israel


A number of Israeli companies risk losing billions of dollars if the European Union decides to exclude Israel from its next fund for scientific research and development.

Some 154 organizations from 16 countries urged European lawmakers to exclude The Israeli newspaper Hayom reported Sunday that [traduction] "the EU has been funding industrial research on security for many years". Immediately exclude all Israeli military and security companies from its framework programs, read: "The money of European taxpayers is channeled to military companies, among which many Israeli companies, under the disguise of research and promise that the technologies and techniques developed Israel will continue to be used for civilian purposes, "the letter continues.

Israel is part of the union's current research and development initiative. wn like Horizon 2020.

The letter further stated that money from EU research was used in the past to finance projects serving military interests as opposed to funding projects with civilian applications also.

As such, the signatories of the letter also called on the EU to limit the EU's framework programs "strictly to research on civil security and peace", at the same time. Exclusion of border control policies. research on border surveillance and dual-use technologies

European countries have also financed Israeli military activities in the occupied Palestinian territories.

A Danwatch Danwatch media survey revealed that pension funds in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden and the Netherlands have invested billions of euros in 36 companies involved in illegal settlement-building activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. [19659011]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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