Eurovision seen through the eyes of young adolescents – EuroVisionary


Ryan O 'Shaughnessy

The Eurovision Song Contest is a family show. It attracts children, their parents and their grandparents. We met teenagers in Ireland to hear their opinions on this year's contest

. Following the article entitled "The Eurovision seen through the eyes of children", we did a second part and asked the school-goers they thought about this year's Eurovision Song Contest.

We asked students at a graduate school in Longford County, Ireland, to know the opinion of these teens on the Eurovision Song Contest this year.

What did you think of the Eurovision Song Contest this year?

Emily (age thirteen): I did not really like the animators – their humor was not for me. The scene was so beautiful. I think Lisbon has done a very good job.

Nikola (thirteen years old): I really loved the scene. It was incredible. Lisbon did a very good job, but I think the show was a little political, with countries giving the maximum points to neighboring countries. I find this a bit unfair – a country should give points to a song that it really likes. The hosts – I did not really care about them. If I have to be honest, their accents made what they said a bit difficult to understand, but if I had to choose my favorite host, well, it certainly would be Filomena Cautela.

Miška (thirteen years old): I found that this year's Eurovision Song Contest was much better than last year's. However, I have the impression that the show has been biased politically this year.

Kitija (age 15): Well, in my opinion, there are negative and positive aspects when it comes to creating the show. The scene, like every year, was absolutely hypnotizing. However, I believe that there could have been better and perhaps more diverse hosts. In addition, in my opinion the hosts were making unsuccessful and rather crooked jokes. The acts of interval during the performances were mediocre and quite non-entertaining. The performances during the show were good, especially with the use of laser lights and other special effects.

What was your favorite entry this year?

Emily (thirteen years old): It would have to be between The Song of Albania Mall and the entrance to Cyprus Fuego

Miška (thirteen years old): J & # 39; loved the song of the Czech Republic, Lie To Me.

Nikola (thirteen years old): Oh, I can not choose! There were so many good songs, but my favorites this year were Austria, "Nobody But You" from Cesár Sampson, Estonia, "La Forza" by Elina Nechayeva, and I must say that our Ryan O & Shaughnessy was very good. 19659006] Kitija Olga Vucena (age 15): My favorite entry is certainly Denmark! I loved the song and the power it emitted, which of course was mostly transmitted by the performers themselves. The stage performance was right, not too bling and not boring either. I think it was absolutely perfect and very pleasant.

What did you think of Ireland's place on the display board (16th) in the final?

Emily (thirteen years old): I'm thinking of the message and the delivery of the song, it should have been placed a little higher, like maybe 10th, but I do not think it's was a winning song.

Kitija (Fifteen): Ireland places on the Achievement Scorecard compared to the odds they've had in recent years. Personally, I did not think that they were even so high up on the dashboard, but I'm happy for them.

Nikola (thirteen years old): I found that it was a little hard … of course, it's a good result for Ireland, if you look at the results of Ireland in recent years … but I think Ryan should have been much higher! The song was very good

What do you think of this year's winner?

Claire (thirteen years old): I was not fond of the winner. I'm happy for her, but in my opinion, there were songs that were much better.

Emily (thirteen years old): I think her act was mediocre at best. There was a good message to the song, but there were so many better songs that could have won.

Kitija (age 15): This year's winner was unique. I do not particularly like the song but I admire his confidence on stage. Although I was not happy when Israel won, I'm happy for her. This year's winner is still better than last year. Well done and congratulations to Israel.

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