Ex-husband named as suspect in the murder of a woman found buried in the courtyard


The ex-husband of Ofira Chaim, whose body was found Tuesday, nearly three weeks after being reported missing, was designated as the main suspect in the investigation on his murder.

A relative was released under house arrest in the case.

David Chaim and the unnamed parent appeared on Wednesday at the Petah Tikva court, where their pretrial detention was extended.

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Police suspect that the murder may have been motivated by financial conflict.

The police initially issued a gag order preventing the publication of suspect details, but the court ruled that David Chaim's identity could be made public.

A police investigator told the court that the ex-husband "became a suspect before the body was found, as a result of a secret investigation," reports the website. Ynet information

. of his ex-wife, Ofira Chaim, whose body was discovered buried in the yard of his house on July 10, 2018, in Tel Mond, Israel (Facebook)

David Chaim was sentenced in 2005 for threatening behavior towards Ofira after threatening to "break the bones" of one of her friends, block her car and tell her that "something will happen to her" if she left, according to the Walla news website.

In 2002, he was convicted of aggression and threatening behavior. She was sentenced to seven months suspended sentence and fined 2,000 NIS (about 550 dollars).

Ofira Chaim, 56, mother of three daughters, worked as a substitute teacher at a local school. Until recently, she owned a cafe and, according to some information, there was a dispute over the distribution of profits made by the sale of the establishment.

She had told her daughters that she was going to an event in the coastal city of Netanya. Return early the next morning. Subsequently there was no trace of her and her car was left parked next to her house.

Police discovered his body buried under a tree in the yard of his house in the Israeli town of Tel Mond.

Adiya, who was in India at the time of her mother 's disappearance, added that her mother had no problem and that she owed nothing to the money.

The scene where the body of the missing woman Ofira Chaim was found in her garden, Tel Mond, July 10, 2018 (Flash90)

Due to the condition of the body, it was sent for identification at the Forensic Institute of Abu Kabir, said the police

"to the extent that it can be confirmed that it is the body of Ofira Chaim, it s & # 39; 39, is an investigation into a murder, "police said Tuesday

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