Families feel the effects of the price of oil pushing inflation above rising wages


B The finances of Russian families are once again under pressure, rising gasoline prices pushing inflation above wage growth, according to economic statistics from this week

while inflation is expected to reach 2.6pc in June – reversing the recent trend of rising wages faster than prices.

This will contribute to the slowdown in economic growth this year, warned the EY Item Club

. GDP growth of 1.4pc this year, down from its forecast of 1.6pc in March

That would make 2018 the worst year for economic growth since 2012.

"Strong growth in trade in retail in April and May and some signs of green shoots in the new car market, the consumer sector is recovering decently from weather-related weakness earlier in the year, "said Howard Archer, economic advisor chief. , showed less momentum, The first could be curbed by an unexpected slowdown in the euro zone economy. The revival of consumer purchasing power by lowering inflation now also seems more fragile due to rising oil prices and rising energy bills. "

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