Fire kite ignites a big forest fire in southern Israel – Breaking Israel News


"Shimshon went and took three hundred foxes, took torches, and turning tail at tail, he placed a torch between each pair of tails." Judges 15: 4 (The Israel Bible ™)

Palestinian terrorists prepare incendiary kites to destroy Israeli agriculture. Photo by Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash90)

Nine firefighting teams and four firefighting aircraft fought a fire outside the kibbutz or HaNer in southern Israel. Incendiary kites also lit a fire near Kibbutz Nir Am.

A message on Facebook page of Reshet 13 Hebrew News showed the damage caused by incendiary kites

Fields outside Kibbutz or HaNer (19659005) Photo via Facebook Reshet 13) [19659006] The incendiary kites and helium balloons are part of Hamas-led ongoing return movement demonstrations and thousands of people have been sent to Israel.

Friday night, a group of Gazans approached the security fence separating Israel from Gaza. when an explosive exploded, he killed the 22-year-old man.

Contrary to the violence in Gaza, about four thousand Israelis participated in a protest Friday at the border with Gaza, waving Israeli flags and protesters also called on the Israeli government to recover the bodies of Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin, IDF soldiers killed in Gaza during the 2014 war. Hamas refuses to return their remains.

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